For centuries humans have worked with the moon to assist us in many ways. The cyclical energy can help us gauge when the best time is for planting and sowing seeds (figuratively and literally). We’ve previously gone over how to work with the energy of the start of the lunar cycle with the new moon ritual and today we’ll go over the completion of that cycle with a full moon ritual.
The moon passes through 8 different phases and takes on average 29.5 days to revolve around the Earth. It starts with the new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, and waning crescent.
Each phase holds a particular energy you can work with to serve a specific purpose in your life. Work with the powerful energy of the full moon to help you rest, reflect, and release the things that no longer serve your highest purpose.
We’ve all heard the folklore tale where the man turns into a werewolf under a full moon. Could this mythology be an exaggerated truth of human behaviour under a full moon? Clearly, the moon has some powerful energy that seems to affect us, human or not.
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Moon Energy-
While the new moon is perfect for manifesting your goals and dreams into reality the full moon is for reflecting and releasing things you don’t wish to bring forward into the next lunar cycle. The new moon is for calling things in while the full moon is for letting things go.
Of course, some things are unavoidable, maybe you’ve started a new job or started a new semester on or around a full moon. Your new boss or professor doesn’t want to hear about how you’ll have to wait for the next new moon to begin your new adventure.
Life still goes on regardless of where the moon is on its journey. However, things like manifestation, new projects, brainstorming, and new ideas should wait until the next new moon.
For those who menstruate, compare the moon cycle to your actual cycle. During your period, you’re lethargic, and moody and want to do nothing but chill on the couch watching Netflix while wondering why you’re being put through this misery. This gives big full moon energy.
When your period is out of sight and out of mind you’ll typically have much more energy and will to want to take on new projects and take actions to reach your goals. This gives big new moon energy.
Moon Magick-
On and around the full moon it’s good to follow the rule of re’s: rest, reflect, release, and recharge.
Rest because of its peak energy; people and their emotions can be at an all-time high. Reflect because to make positive things happen you have to be aware of the current actions you’re taking and how they’ve gotten you to where you are. Release because to move forward you have to let go of things that don’t serve where you are headed. Finally, recharge because you need and deserve time to recharge your batteries.
Taking time to chill out can be just as helpful to productivity as getting up and going. We need time to process things that have happened and to ponder about what is and isn’t bringing us to our highest goals and dreams.
In our busy lives, we can carry extra baggage, trauma, and stress, sometimes without even realizing it’s there. Take time to dig deeper to help you notice what you’re carrying with you every day. That is the first step to knowing what you need to heal.
This ritual is completely customizable. Feel free to add or omit anything that feels good to you that aligns with the full moon energy.
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Clean your Space-
You’ll want to begin any form of ritual or energy work with a clean and clear space. Clutter and mess can mess up the vibes and stress you out, even unconsciously. When things are clean and tidy you can think more clearly and breathe more deeply.
Don’t worry about things being absolutely spotless or perfect but generally clean, with things put in their place, dishes put away no trash lying around. A full moon would be the perfect time to declutter your space and throw out, sell, or donate things that no longer serve a purpose or bring you joy.
Energy Clearing-
Begin your full moon ritual by energetically cleansing your space. You can read more here about how to respectfully cleanse your home. If you live with others or don’t feel like doing an entire cleansing ceremony then simply lighting incense can clear out stuck energy.
Full Mood-
Play some soft and relaxing music, dim the lights, light candles, burn incense, and lay your crystals out to set a mystical mood for the night. Crystals like Moonstone, Selenite, Amethyst, Black Tourmaline, and Smokey Quartz are great crystals to work with during the full moon.
This step is fantastic to practice every day but especially on and around a full moon. Sitting with your emotions and feeling through them without trying to change them or instantly feel better is so powerful.
Pay attention to these emotions, what are they trying to tell you? What needs attention? What needs healing? Sit in silence, listen to binaural beats, or follow along to a guided full moon meditation. Alina Alive and Stephanie Kojec on YouTube have great moon mediations to follow along with.
Call upon your Angels, Spirit Guides, God, or whatever you believe in to help guide you on your path of letting what no longer serves you go fully. We can always use a little help when we aim to change our habits or ways of thinking. Don’t be afraid to ask for signs that you’re on the right path.
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Set Intention-
Set your intention for this particular full moon. While there may be many things you want to release from your life, aim to focus on one main thing. Start by writing out 2 to 3 things you’d like to let go of and then narrow it down to the one that speaks to you the most.
There will be around 12 full moons a year which equals 12 different intentions, so you can always come back to intentions that you haven’t gotten around to yet.
A full moon is a great time to let it spill out onto the page. Write out your thoughts, feelings, fears, doubts, old habits, or anything else you’d like to do away with. Choose an affirmation for this full moon, for example, “I refuse to continue playing small and not fulfilling my fullest potential.” Write out whatever you feel that you need to let go of and either rip it to shreds or safely burn it.
Collect Moon Water-
Fill up a glass of water and leave it in the moonlight. Leave it outside or on a windowsill facing the moon if possible. Set your intention with the water and then proceed to use it in any way you see fit. Drink it every day to be reminded of your intention, splash your face with it in the morning, or add it to your bath water.
Full Moon Bath-
Water is an amazing grounding tool and grounding is much needed on and around the full moon. Run a hot bath and add some or all of the ingredients listed below.
1 cup sea, Himalayan or Epsom salt
3-4 sprigs Rosemary
5-6 Fresh Sage leaves
Few drops of essential oil of your choice
A few Drops of moon water
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Stretch/Foam Roll-
Since full moons are all about releasing you’ll want to release any built-up tension in your muscles. Spend a few minutes doing a whole-body stretch or foam rolling. Your muscles will thank you and you’ll feel incredibly relaxed.
Crystal Moon Bath-
The full moon is the best time to clear your crystals of any stagnant energy they may be holding onto. Put them outside under the full moon if you have an outdoor area and somewhere safe they won’t get stolen.
Otherwise, leave them on a windowsill. If your windowsill doesn’t directly face the moon then that’s okay too. Picture the moon’s bright light penetrating the walls and cleansing them anyway.
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Seriously just chill! Since this time is all about reflecting and recharging chill out in comfortable clothes and enjoy some solitude.
Final Thoughts-
Complete this full moon ritual on or around the full moon to harness the power of the moon’s energy to work with your life. Rest, reflect, release, and recharge during a full moon to move forward with the powerful intention you’ve set.
This time of the month is powerful and holds a ton of energy that you can benefit from when you work with instead of against it. Enjoy this customizable and personal ritual full moon ritual to bring a little magic into your life.