Herbs are the perfect addition to any food or drink recipe. They can be used in a variety of ways, even in your water or favourite body care recipe. They’re bursting with robust flavour, with multiple vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to keep you looking and feeling your best!
Herbs are a simple way to add brightness and freshness to any boring meal. You can toss them in freely without worrying about adding any extra sodium or sugar content.
Here we’ll go over exactly what makes herbs such a shining star and how you can incorporate them into your daily meals. You’ll quickly realize that no recipe is complete until that aromatic final touch has been added to take your food and health to the next level.
Throw into soups, salads, sandwiches, smoothies, main dishes, desserts, and cocktails. Leave no stone unturned when incorporating more herbs into your life. The possibilities are truly endless when it comes to these small but mighty greens that pack a punch.
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Where to Purchase-
Your local grocery store should carry all or most of the herbs listed here today, however, they can be pricey when purchased separately and will only stay fresh in the fridge for so long. Purchasing a potted plant is a great way to always have fresh and fragrant herbs in your home.
If you have a garden and some time on your hands, buy the seeds and grow your favourite herbs yourself. This is another cheap way to ensure you’ll always have the best-tasting herbs on you at all times. You’ll also feel a sense of accomplishment knowing you grew it yourself.
On top of that gardening is an amazing stress reliever and grounding practice. Nothing connects you more with the earth than getting in the dirt by seeding, planting, and working with Mother Nature to grow delicious food.
When your herbs do sprout, give a bundle as a gift to your neighbour, friends, or family. If you don’t have the outdoor space, indoor herb gardens are a great option as well. When trying to acquire your greens, get creative and use whatever method will work best for you.
Disclaimer: Do not substitute these suggestions with medical advice. Always consult your doctor when attempting to treat any ailment.
Vitamins A, K, Anti-Oxidants Beta-Carotin and Lutein, Potassium, Manganese and Zinc. Can help to reduce inflammation, is a natural adaptogen (stress reliever), and fights free radical damage.
For sweet basil sprinkle over pizza, pasta, or caprese salad. If using Thai basil it is best served as a garnish for pho, rolled into salad rolls, or tossed into crunchy Thai salads.
Vitamins A, C, K, Calcium, Folate, Choline and Quercetin. Can help to ease digestion, boost immunity, improve vision, and assist in getting proper sleep.
Finish off with chives atop scrambled eggs, creamy pasta, or your favourite classic brunch recipes.
Vitamins A, K, Choline, Folate, Potassium. Can help to reduce inflammation, promote skin health, support bones and teeth, reduce anxiety, and aid the body in riding itself of heavy metals.
Perfect for Indian, Vietnamese, and Mexican dishes. Garnish over buttered chicken, roll into salad rolls, or sprinkle onto authentic Mexican tacos.
High in vitamins A, C, D, Folate, Iron, and Zinc. Can help to regulate blood sugar, assist with insomnia, fortify bones, aid digestion, and regulate the menstrual cycle.
Great in beet-based soup called borsht, over beet salad, mixed into yogurt-based dips, baked with lemon and salmon, served alongside perogies and sour cream, or tossed in dill pickle pasta salad.
Vitamins A, C, B-6, Calcium, Potassium, Iron, Manganese. Can help to regulate the menstrual cycle, support heart health, assist with bloating, reduce water retention, and regulate blood pressure.
Thinly slice and add to salads or veggie-based side dishes or blend into homemade soups.
Vitamins A, C, B-Complex, Phosphorus, Iron, Fiber. Anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial, freshens breath, can help to calm an upset stomach, aids digestion, and relieves nausea.
Mix into fruit-based or chocolate mint smoothies, garnish over sorbet, or put a few leaves into a cup and top with hot boiled water, add a teaspoon of honey for freshly made, mint tea.
High in Vitamin K, Anti-Oxidants, Carvacrol, Terpinene, and Thymol. Oregano oil has been flying off the shelves to help people with all sorts of ailments such as colds and flu, joint pain, inflammation, congestion, sore throats, and more. It tastes terrible so dilute and mix into something more palatable.
Perfect to pair with Italian, Greek, or other Mediterranean-inspired dishes.
Vitamins A, C, E, K, Folate, Potassium. Can help to support bone health, reduce oxidative stress, full of antioxidants to help boost heart health, freshens breath, and can assist in the UTI healing process.
Blend in green smoothies, and juices, or mix into salads. Add to flavourful sauces like pesto and chimichurri.
Vitamins A, C, B-6, Calcium, Iron, Manganese, Niacin. Can help to improve blood circulation, maintain focus, boost memory, and reduce stress and anxiety.
Perfect for potatoes, baked into focaccia or shortbread cookies.
Vitamins A, K, B-6, Copper, Iron, Zinc. Can help to lower cholesterol, promote oral health, relieve the symptoms of menopause, and lower blood sugar.
Sautee and crisp up with a pumpkin or butternut squash pasta or add to homemade pesto.
Vitamins A, C, Carvacrol. Can help to boost immunity, improve mood, and relieve stomach aches, coughs, and sore throats.
Throw into soups, or stews, or bake with your favourite hearty protein.
Storing tip:
If purchasing individually and storing in the fridge, chop up and freeze into your freezer cubes to keep them fresher longer.
Body Scrub Recipes-
If you’ve already included herbs into your diet and still can’t get enough, mix them into your body care routine.
Rosemary Lemon Sea Salt Scrub-
Mix 1 cup of sea salt, juice of one lemon, and 1 sprig of rosemary. Tear off the rosemary from the vine and chop through. (Optional) add 5-6 drops of lemon or rosemary essential oil. Mix thoroughly and use to exfoliate in the shower. Store any leftovers in an airtight container.
Thyme and Grapefruit Brown Sugar Scrub-
Combine 1 cup of brown or coconut sugar, the juice of half of a grapefruit, and the leaves from 2-3 sprigs of thyme. (Optional) add 5-6 drops of grapefruit essential oil. Combine thoroughly and store any leftovers as mentioned above.
Final Thoughts-
We’ve all been looking for ways to keep our immunity up while still enjoying flavourful food without any added sugars, salts, additives, or preservatives. Fresh herbs are the way to go to season so many food, drink, and body care recipes.
There are many ways to incorporate them into your life. Whether it’s infusing them into your daily water regime, or topping some fresh herbs over your morning eggs, afternoon salads, dinnertime entrees, or desserts.
You can never get bored with how many ways there are to increase your greens intake with simple and humble herbs. Make it a 7-day challenge for yourself to add them to all of your daily meals. Soon after you won’t be able to leave them out, enhancing the other flavours that are already in your dish.
Have fun testing out these ideas and playing with the multiple ways to add fun and flavour with healthy herbs. They’re much more than just a garnish or afterthought and can help to highlight a dish all the while shining brightly on their own without completely stealing the spotlight.
As always, wishing you peace & tranquility, xo.