Introducing CBD, THC’s chill cousin. CBD (Cannabidiol) may be right for you If you’re looking for a natural way to decompress and decrease your stress and anxiety.
If you feel that you’re suffering from anxiety, depression, a sleep disorder, or any other mental health condition, don’t hesitate to reach out to your doctor or visit a certified therapist or psychiatrist. While things like CBD can potentially benefit you, you may need extra support.
CBD & Stress-
Stress is a normal part of our human experience. Chronic stress, however, is unhealthy for your brain and body. We can’t always control the things that happen in our lives, which can lead to chronic stress. But, we can control how we take care of ourselves and provide ourselves with extra self-care.
If you didn’t fit meditation, breath work, or a workout into your schedule and you’re feeling a little frantic then ingesting CBD can help to elicit feelings of calm and tranquility without you putting in much effort.
Of course, you’ll want to be mindful of practicing the healthy habits listed above but life happens and gets in the way. CBD can be a little shortcut on the days that you need it.
Healthy Stress-
This isn’t to say that we should be in a perfectly peaceful state 24/7, while the real world passes us by. It’s okay to be stressed and frantic sometimes, that’s no doubt going to happen from time to time.
However, when stress becomes a daily thing you’re battling against, it’ll cause your cortisol levels to rise to unhealthy levels. This can potentially lead to physical and mental ailments down the line. We can remain present in the real world while setting up our physical, emotional, and mental well-being for success.
For the Culture-
THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) has long been a fan favourite with a cult-like following. Marijuana is not just a drug but a whole movement and culture.
Today, society’s image of what it means to be a “stoner” has flooded wide open. CEOs, mothers, working professionals, and sweet grandma’s have gotten curious about the plant’s benefits. It’s slowly losing the stigma around those who indulge as being lazy and is looked at in the same regard as a glass of wine after a long day.
Although it does and can benefit a multitude of people, THC is not for everyone. Getting high doesn’t appeal to everyone and quite frankly affects everyone differently.
Some people get high as a means to decrease their anxiety. But for some others, ingesting THC can cause a flurry of anxiety and negative thinking spirals.
Some thrive on it during social interactions while others can barely put a sentence together while under the influence. Also, if you are prone to, or suffer from mental disorders then certain drugs can potentially exacerbate the issue. If you’re someone who wants to join in on the fun that is the cannabis industry without the possible paranoia attached, then CBD might be a better alternative for you.
Same but Different-
When looking to take the edge off, things like alcohol, cigarettes, or vapes might be what people reach for first. While the occasional vice is nothing to be ashamed of, these aren’t the best options to reach for regularly and are extremely addicting. CBD is a natural and healthier alternative if you’re looking to chill out and relax.
THC produces the psychoactive element, making you feel ‘’high’’ while CBD produces feelings of relaxation without any psychoactive effects. Both compounds come from the Cannabis Sativa plant but evoke different results. CBD binds to the C2 receptor while THC binds to the C1 receptor causing that “high” sensation. When ingested together CBD can make the THC have a lesser effect.
CBD can be ingested in several different forms, from gummies, capsules, oil tinctures, joints, vapes, drinks, lotions, and bath bombs. They all vary on how quickly the CBD will take effect and how long it will last. This list will no doubt continue to grow. By 2028, the marijuana sector is expected to become a 70.6 billion dollar industry.
Many marijuana strains are now blended with more CBD and less THC if you enjoy a light high with CBD being the main component. The world of cannabis is truly your oyster. The legalization of marijuana in many states and provinces in North America has opened up a world of possibilities for those looking to incorporate a little tranquility into their lives.
Before You Buy-
A major issue with CBD currently is that it’s difficult to regulate. Many products that were purchased online and tested in labs were shown to have inconsistent traces of CBD than what the bottle described.
THC also showed up in some of these tests, which is harmful to those who require drug testing and/or can’t handle it. When purchasing, ensure you’re getting your products from regulated sources or dispensaries.
While CBD seems like a holy grail product it isn’t for everyone. It can interfere with certain medications especially those that come with a grapefruit warning like diabetic medication. Make sure you’re speaking with your doctor before you use. Do not use CBD if you are pregnant or think you may become pregnant.
Possible Benefits-
Pain management, decreases anxiety, helps with sleep issues, acne, nausea, depression, arthritis, and more. In 2018 the FDA approved Epidolox which contains CBD and is used to treat Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, a form of epilepsy that causes seizures in children. CBD is also recommended for some cancer patients dealing with nausea from chemotherapy.
As it is relatively new there’s still more research that needs to be done on CBD. Hopefully, it will help many people in the future who suffer from different physical and mental health disorders.
Good Times For CBD-
-If you have a difficult time getting or falling asleep, CBD can be a good option to reach for before bedtime.
-If you have an important presentation or pitch that you’re nervous for
-When going on a nature walk
-When you want to enjoy a chill Sunday but have a hard time letting yourself relax
-Before a social gathering
Final Thoughts-
With the rise in social media, every time you open an app to escape whatever task you’re supposed to be working on you’re probably going to see some bad news or a person doing a bad thing. We’ve become used to seeing heart-wrenching images and news daily.
A decade ago and beyond, unless you turned on the news, read the paper, or listened to the radio these thoughts probably didn’t cross your mind too often.
Our collective anxiety is through the roof. You probably feel helpless as you continually see things playing out that you feel you can’t control. You may not be able to change the entire world but you can take care and change yourself for the better.
Practicing self-care and self-love can help you to show up as a person in the world that you’d want to be friends with. Is CBD the answer to all of the world’s problems….absolutely not. But as humans, we have to take better care of ourselves and make sure we’re incorporating rest when feasible to bolster our emotional and mental well-being.
If you’re someone who finds relaxing tough or riddled with guilt, then taking some CBD can potentially help.