Our bodies and the universe naturally align with each other. When you look at the menstrual cycle, you can compare it to the different seasons. Each season in the calendar year brings forth a different energy. Much like the different phases of the menstrual cycle. The winter = menstruation, the spring = follicular phase, the summer = ovulation, and autumn = the luteal phase.
You might’ve never thought of it that way but when you look closer it all makes sense. The universe was created with much more harmony and connection than we even realize. A typical cycle will last around 28 days but since everybody is different this can vary. It could be much shorter at around 21 days or much longer at around 35 days. You might miss your cycle altogether.
Linear vs Cyclical-
Our current society is synced up to the masculine linear calendar. Most people work Monday-Friday, 9-5, and all throughout the year. Unfortunately, the menstrual cycle isn’t synced up with our society’s expectations of productivity and output.
We’re expected to operate on a consistent baseline yet our bodies’ cyclical natural rhythm can make us feel miserable. Your hormones fluctuate throughout your cycle leaving you with varying mental, physical, social, and emotional vigor.
Expecting consistency in your days is setting yourself up to be disappointed. Surrendering to the swing of hormones, energy levels, and bodily changes can take some of the pressure off. There’s no need to be frustrated with yourself when you need to take some days to rest. It’s just as productive as your to-do list. Although our capitalistic society hasn’t bothered to think of cycles, give yourself the grace to attend and listen to what your body needs at any given moment.
Maybe you can’t change your job or responsibilities, however, you can try to match your lifestyle, workouts, sleep, and nutrition to help assist your body to ebb and flow the way it needs to. Read on below to learn to work with instead of against your body’s natural cycle.
Track Your Cycle-
Today’s advances in tech have made it easier than ever to keep track of not only your cycle but of your overall well-being, mood, symptoms, nutrition, caffeine intake, sleep and so much more. Many people have inconsistent periods so tracking your cycle may help you to get a better idea of the overall picture. Always consult with your doctor if you have any concerns on the matter.
Some of the top apps are:
-Cycles period & cycle tracker
-Flo period tracker & calendar
-Period calendar period tracking app
-Ovia fertility app
-Balance app
Inner Winter = Menstruation
You know the feeling, much like when the winter rolls around, you want to do nothing but curl up with blankets, drink hot drinks, watch Netflix, and speak to no one. The menstruation phase of your cycle is from day 1-5 but can last anywhere from 3-7 days.
Menstruation occurs when your body does not result in a pregnancy and sheds your uterine lining. Your levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone will take a dip.
You’ll probably feel lethargic, cramping in your back and stomach, bloating, sore breasts, mood swings, and dull aching joints. Heating pads, hot water bottles, and/or a hot bath will be your best friend.
Opt for low-intensity exercises like a walk in nature, stretching, or hatha yoga. Keep yourself extra hydrated and steer clear of alcohol and caffeine that dehydrate you. Since this can be a tough time emotionally and physically, take extra good care of yourself. Make good quality sleep and rest a priority.
Look ahead at your calendar to see when your period is expected to arrive. Aim to leave this space in your calendar as open as possible. Don’t over-schedule yourself during a time when you have more energy only to be miserable and flake when those plans roll around.
Use this phase of downtime to journal your thoughts and meditate. While your body is shedding, think of what else you want to shed before you head into your next phase. Maybe it’s unhelpful self-talk, clutter, or too much screen time.
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Inner Spring = Follicular Phase
This phase is a welcomed change as you’ve made it through the toughest time and have made it out on the other side. Here, the hypothalamus sends a signal to the pituitary gland to release the hormone called follicle-stimulating hormones, or FSH for short. This hormone prompts the ovaries to produce follicles containing eggs where the strongest one will be potentially fertilized for pregnancy.
The hormones estrogen, testosterone, and oestrogen will rise giving you a surge of energy. Your serotonin levels will elevate giving you a more positive mental headspace. This phase typically runs through days 6-13 of the average cycle.
Just like the spring, the follicular phase will bring about a time for new beginnings and creativity. Try new things, make plans, be social, and start new projects. Now is a good time to up the intensity of your exercise plan with cardio, weight training, and HIIT workouts. Use this time of increased energy to tackle your most important to-do’s of the month.
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Inner Summer = Ovulation
Ovulation is your time to shine. This occurs around day 14 of your cycle and is the time when your body is the most fertile. The ovary will release an egg into the fallopian tubes where its ultimate goal is to become fertilized by sperm and result in pregnancy. If you’re hoping to become pregnant your increased libido due to high levels of estrogen can help you to get there.
Whether or not you’re looking to become pregnant, this is an overall lively period. You’ll feel your most energized so schedule your highest-intensity workouts during this time. You’ll most likely feel your most social and outgoing so any plans or social engagements would be best scheduled in this phase.
You might even notice your skin glows due to your body’s peak levels of estrogen right before ovulation begins. In the summer, many of us feel more extroverted and confident, the same goes for your time of ovulation.
Inner Autumn = Luteal Phase
If the egg is not fertilized by sperm then the egg will be released and turn into corpus luteum which then dissolves. Hormones estrogen and progesterone levels begin to plummet. Just as the trees shed their leaves in autumn, when a pregnancy does not occur, the thickened uterine lining will eventually shed as well.
The luteal phase lasts from approximately day 15-28 of the menstrual cycle. Your estrogen, testosterone, and serotonin levels will start to deplete leaving you with less energy, motivation and can leave you feeling sad and anxious. This is the phase where PMS symptoms begin to occur but will usually be more prominent a week to a few days before your period.
You might find yourself with more intense cravings for sugary and salty foods. While it’s okay to indulge, you can lessen your PMS symptoms by staying hydrated, eating healthy, limiting caffeine and alcohol, and doing some light to moderate exercises.
The first week of the luteal phase can include moderately intense activities but as you head into the second week it’s best to stick to low-impact activities like yoga, pilates, and barre-style workouts.
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Final Thoughts-
There appears to be a correlation between nature’s seasonal cycles and the menstrual cycle. When you appreciate and nurture each season accordingly and honour what your body needs during each season, you’ll work with as opposed to against your body’s ebb and flow.
Menstruation/inner winter is when you experience the shedding of the uterine lining. This can lead to some unfavourable symptoms. Cater to your body’s need for rest and recuperation. Spend time meditating, stretching, journaling, and reflecting on the past cycle.
The follicular/inner spring is where you can look forward to a renewed sense of vitality. Increase the intensity of your workouts, brainstorm ideas, and begin new projects. Use this spike in energy to get your creative juices flowing. You’ll begin to feel more social so schedule plans or events around this time.
Ovulation/inner summer is your most fertile time of the month. You’ll be at your most energetic and extroverted so up the intensity of your workouts and get out there. Schedule any events, social outings, presentations, or first dates around this time. If you’re trying to get pregnant, this is where it’s most likely to happen.
Luteal/inner autumn is the time for you to slow down and reflect. Your energy levels will begin to decrease until your next period. Use this time to tie up any loose ends that began during the follicular and ovulation phases. Spend your time focusing on self-care and tending to your inner world. Eat healthy, stay hydrated, and do moderate to light exercises.
Be gentle with yourself and accept the fact that as someone who experiences a menstrual cycle your emotions, energy levels, and social needs will vary every month. By tracking your cycle, hopefully, you can better understand the waves and learn to ride them.