Burnout can sneak up on us at points in our lives. It creeps up similarly to coming down with a seasonal bug, yet isn’t taken as seriously. Especially nowadays, the hustle and grind are glorified, while taking the time to rest and replenish yourself is frowned upon.
Burning yourself out may be good for your job, side hustle, and/or bank account in the short term but can do some serious mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual damage in the long run.
When you spread yourself too thin or take on more than you can chew, you end up doing a disservice to not only yourself but to others. Your quality of work or the tasks you’re doing may suffer. You could become grumpy, irritable, and lash out. Avoiding burnout is aiming to strike an equilibrium between life and work, between making money and enriching your soul.
Not All Burnouts Are Created Equal-
In some situations, taking a break could be the difference between putting food on the table for yourself and your family or not. In North America, as well as around the world, with the rising costs of living, food, and housing, and the stagnant minimum wage, burnout may be the only way to survive.
Of course, meeting your basic survival needs such as food, clothing, and shelter should be your top priority. Hopefully, even if you find yourself in this predicament you can still use some of these tips to save yourself from burnout.
Designated Day Off-
Have a specific day of the week when work is completely off the table. Don’t respond to work calls or emails. Again, for certain professions this isn’t possible but if it is then exercise this practice.
Everyone deserves at least one day off to do as they please or to catch up on what they need to catch up on. Working every single day will eventually lead to a breakdown. You’ll be more productive and efficient if you give yourself at least one day a week to do whatever you want or need to do.
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Say NO More-
While sometimes in life it’s beneficial to say hell yes! Other times it is even more beneficial to say hell no! Get comfortable saying no to things that are burning you out. Volunteering, extra projects, clubs, classes, etc. It’s better to flat-out say no from the get-go, as opposed to making excuses later on or flaking on people.
While some of us get excited in the moment and say yes to plans two weeks down the line, be realistic with yourself and think hard about whether your future self with have the capacity for those plans. No one wants you to be somewhere that you don’t want to be.
Delegate Tasks-
As much as some of us believe that we’re superhuman, we’re not. You cannot do everything all of the time. Delegate tasks to take some of the burden off of your shoulders.
If you have the funds could you hire a housekeeper or nanny once or twice a week? Do you have kids that can help with chores? Don’t get comfortable doing everything yourself as it will become a habit for yourself and those around you.
Be Realistic-
When you set goals for things that you can realistically achieve in a day, you’ll be more likely to complete them and feel a sense of accomplishment after.
When your to-do list is two pages long, it’s no wonder why you didn’t get everything done. To top it off you’ll probably feel down on yourself, even if you got most things completed.
When avoiding burnout you need to be realistic about the time and energy you’ll have that day and aim for a couple of things you can complete, with no problem. This way you’ll end the day feeling positive about the things you were able to finish as opposed to the things you were not.
This might seem like a menial task, but it can help you not feel overburdened. Attempt to keep your workspace/home space/ car space somewhat tidy, it will prevent things from piling up and becoming overwhelming.
If you’re already experiencing burnout you don’t need to keep a spotless environment 24/7, but making sure things don’t pile up too much to the point of no return is crucial. Stay on top of garbage, paperwork, picking things up off the floor, dirty dishes in the sink, making your bed, etc. Keep the deep cleaning for when you have the time and energy, just stay on top of the basics.
Nothing is worse than coming home after an exhausting day to a mess that looks too overwhelming to clean. By staying on top of things, you’ll only have to do them here and there. They’ll be way more manageable and under control.
When experiencing burnout, your mind tends to run at a million miles a minute. Meditating every day can help to slow down your mind, organize your thoughts, and focus on how your inner self is doing.
Meditating 20 minutes a day might be a lot to commit to if you’re busy and burning out, so aim for 5 or 10 minutes a day. Sit or lie down while concentrating on your breath. Listen to silence, frequency music, or a guided meditation. Linked here are some amazing videos to follow along to.
This might sound impossible, especially if you work difficult hours, but make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Check out our post here for some tips on how. It may not be possible to get your full 8 hours every night so sleep when you get the chance.
Can you take a power nap on your lunch break or the time between one job to the next? When you’re super busy, getting adequate sleep can be tough, so take the naps when you can and sleep in on your days off.
Get in Nature-
It’s important to step out of the bustling & busy world to enjoy some peaceful solitude now and again. Stepping out into nature reminds us that this world is not actually what humans have made it into. Life is slow and steady but we’re too busy that it ends up flying by. Nature helps to ground us in our bodies and the present moment.
Taking deep breaths and paying attention to the area around you slows you down and reminds you to be present in your mind and body.
When you’re starting to or are already feeling burnt out, staying in your body and being anchored to the present moment is almost impossible. Connecting with nature can help to bring you back to where your body and mind want to be.
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Eat Healthy-
When you’re busy it can be difficult to eat well, as drive-throughs could feel like it’s all you have time for. Once in a while that’s ok, but making it a habit can leave you feeling even more drained. Keeping your health up and getting your required vitamins and minerals will leave you feeling more energized throughout the day.
Aim to do a grocery shop once a week and load up on healthy snacks that you can easily grab throughout the week. Take fruits and veggies to wash, cut, and put into containers so you can grab them and go when you need them. Meal kit boxes are super convenient and make meal times a lot quicker.
Stock up on nuts and seeds, dried fruits, and anything else that you can grab that will sustain you throughout the day. Not leaving you with a crash, further propelling your burnout.
Have a Why-
This is one of the most important ways to decrease the effects of burnout. Having a why for what you’re doing. Maybe you’re an overworked nurse but find joy in making sick people better. That is your why.
If you’re tired while working 3 jobs because you’re saving for a down payment on a house then that is your why. Yes, it might not solve the root issue but it can help you to get through your days when you’re struggling to keep going. Whether for financial reasons or feeling like you’re fulfilling your purpose, having a why will help you keep pushing forward.
Get Organized-
Keeping things at least mostly organized will help you tremendously when dealing with burnout. Schedule your days out in a planner or write them down in your notes app. Know where you’re going on which day and what you need to bring.
Write out appointments, meetings, hangouts with friends, your fitness class, everything. Don’t expect yourself to remember everything in your head because you most likely won’t, especially if you’re already burnt out.
Laying out your clothes, keys, and anything else you need for the next day or the night before will save you time and mental energy. No one likes ripping their place apart while in a rush only to return home to the chaos and mess.
Taking a bit of time to plan things out and get organized will ensure that you’re not forgetting anything important. You can relax knowing that everything you need is laid out in front of you.
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Final Thoughts-
Hopefully, these tips can help you to overcome feelings of overwhelm. Although they seem simple, they can make all the difference when it comes to battling burnout. Whether you start one task at a time or jump into all of them at once, find a way that works for you.
Don’t forget to take care of yourself. Grinding it out and working hard to accomplish something and achieve your goals and dreams is admirable. However, striking a balance and taking time to rest and recharge is just as important.