These 15-morning routine ideas will jumpstart your day and ensure that you’re starting your morning on the right foot. After you wake up you’ll find yourself having a more productive and energized day.
The stress and noise of the world can affect you during the day and wear you down mentally and physically. When you wake up your brain has a clean slate before getting clouded by social media, negative thoughts, and daily stress. Having a morning routine can be instrumental in setting yourself up for success. By doing a few things that put you in a positive mindset it will spill onto the rest of your day.
Late Night Life-
If you’re someone who works late nights or shift work then it can put a damper on the whole bright and early thing. Don’t feel bad if getting up at 5 am or 6 am just isn’t feasible for you.
Sleep is important, get as much of it as you can whenever you can. While this post specifically says “morning routine” maybe this is your “afternoon routine.” Don’t feel bad, not everyone has the option to go to bed at 10 pm and be on a super consistent schedule.
The thing about setting goals is making them realistic to fit your lifestyle so that it’s easy to stick to. Mix and match whatever you can fit into your schedule and do some trial and error. If something isn’t working for you in the morning, that’s ok, try something else that does until you can find your rhythm. Listed below are the best morning (or afternoon) routine ideas to kick-start your day and your life!
1. Morning Writing-
If you’re working on a piece of writing for school, work, a book, a research paper, etc. the daily toll of life can pollute your thoughts, making your writing jumbled and unclear. Begin to write before you check the news or social media, or talk to anyone.
It can be hard to notice but the opinions and judgments of others can seep into your mind and cloud your writing flow. Writing whatever you’re working on when you first wake up will get your brain going, and creative juices flowing, and can produce a more comprehensive and authentic piece of work.
2. Morning Pages-
Morning pages also include writing but instead of working on a specific project, you dump out whatever comes to mind. Spill down all your thoughts about the day ahead, yesterday, your to-do list, your thoughts, feelings, and anything else.
The longer we’re awake, the more the brain starts turning. “What do I have to get done, what appointments do I have, deadlines, etc? Writing morning pages gets whatever thoughts are rummaging in your brain onto paper. When you get it all down, your mind will feel clearer and you can start your day in a calmer state.
3. Brain Games-
Your brain is typically sharper first thing in the morning after you’ve had your coffee most likely. So morning is the best time to get it sparked up and running. Practicing LSAT questions in the morning is a great way to challenge your brain.
It doesn’t matter if you’re planning on attending law school or not but the questions are hard and force you to use the logical side of your brain that many of us aren’t always using. Use the free website Khan Academy to practice. If the LSAT isn’t your thing try downloading an app that offers brain games or trivia questions.
4. Learn a Language-
Speaking of using your brain, learning a new language is the perfect way to do that. You can use the free Duolingo app on your phone to practice whichever language you like. It takes around 10 to 20 minutes every day.
If you’re someone who only speaks one language then learning a new one will force you to use your brain in ways it’s not used to. Learning a new language has a ton of cognitive benefits for your brain. Hopefully, whatever you’re learning can be practiced in that country/place one day.
5. Read-
Simple yet effective. Read anything other than your social media feeds. The newspaper, a magazine, a book, an ancient text. Spend some time in the morning learning about something. Go out into your day with more knowledge than you woke up with.
6. To-Do List-
Make a to-do list. Is there anything better than getting everything down onto paper clearly and concisely? Assess what your main priorities are for the day, attack those first, and work your way down.
Don’t write down too many points unless you are absolutely crushing it at life. You don’t want to overwhelm yourself. Write down what you realistically can accomplish in a day.
7. Exercise-
Exercising in the morning is the best energy boost you can give yourself. If you can, join an early workout or yoga class. Go for a run, do some HIIT in your living room, whatever works for you. I’m sure everyone who exercises knows how good and energized you feel afterward.
If you already have a workout routine in place at a different time that’s ok too. A few jumping jacks, pushups, or high knees in the morning can give you the mini boost you need to get your day started.
8. Walk-
If an intense workout isn’t your thing in the morning, slow it down with a walk. Take yourself for a stroll, breathe in some fresh air, and try to find some nature around you. Getting outside is a great way to connect with yourself. Bask in the sunshine, the rain, or the snow and show some gratitude for Mother Earth.
9. Stretch-
Stretching is an easy way to get your body moving and awake. We often don’t realize how much tension we hold in our bodies until it gets released. I would recommend stretching a little bit every day and even better if you can do it as a part of your morning routine.
Stretch your neck, back, arms, legs, and hold stretches for 15-30 seconds. You’ll start your day with less tension and feel less stressed. An easy way to start your day and get your body in motion.
10. Meditate-
While meditating in the morning is ideal, meditating at any point during the day is amazing. With the craziness that is life, many of us have been feeling anxious, stressed, disconnected, and feeling our mental health suffer. We need to practice healthy mental habits now more than ever.
Whether you sometimes feel the blues or have chronic depression or anxiety, meditating is so beneficial for your mental and emotional hygiene. Always consult with a medical professional if you feel you need extra help. For many, mental health is more complex than meditating and making gratitude lists.
5, 10, 15, or 20 minutes a day is recommended. Start slow and work your way up. Listen to calming music, do a guided meditation, or sit in silence if you prefer. If you’re new to meditation, keep a journal to see if you notice any positive differences in how you feel.
11. Hydrate-
This may sound repetitive but drink more water. If you’re sleeping for 6-8 hours a night that’s hours you’re body isn’t hydrating. As soon as you wake up get some much-needed H2O in your body.
When we’re dehydrated it can lead us to sleep in, make poor choices, and reach for unhealthy foods when we’re actually just thirsty. Getting some water in right away will help you get up and at ’em. Leave some beside your bed at night so it’s right there for you when you wake up.
12. Healthy Breakfast-
Making yourself a healthy breakfast is a great form of self-care. Give your body and brain the fuel it needs for the day. A balanced meal in the morning will lead to less brain fog, and have you reaching for healthier options throughout the day.
No one is opposed to a good drive-thru breakfast now and then but making your breakfast more often will save you money and time as drive-thru’s are big morning time suckers.
13. Clean-
Cleaning your space will simultaneously clear your mind. Cleaning checks things off your to-do list and gets you moving on your feet. Does anyone else sweat during a cleaning session?
If you’re someone who’s a walking tornado while getting ready for the day then give yourself extra time to clean up before you leave. This will leave you much happier when you return home and see that everything’s been done.
14. Cold Shower-
This might sound like torture but hear me out. You don’t necessarily have to spend your entire shower in the freezing cold unless you want to. You can blast yourself for about thirty seconds at the end of your shower with some cool or cold water.
It doesn’t have to be freezing but a cool-cold temperature that you can handle. It wakes you up and is good for your hair, skin, and mind. If you’ve ever heard of the Wim Hof method then you know…
Cold water gets you used to being uncomfortable. Being uncomfortable is pivotal if you’re someone who wants to do more and be more in life. Taking risks is uncomfortable, being your authentic self is uncomfortable, and starting a business is uncomfortable. This trains your brain to be ok with that uncomfortable feeling, leaving you confident with taking on the world! The key is to focus your mind on taking really deep breaths.
15. Creative Project-
Paint, draw, play music, shoot photographs, and do something creative. Flex your creative muscles to get yourself in a state of flow for the day. The state of flow is a great place to start your day for a better mood, optimal creativity, and productivity.
Final Thoughts-
Use one, some, or all of these morning routine ideas to jumpstart your day and your life. If you’re already a morning person then that’s great and keep it up. If you’re not a morning person then do these practices as soon as you’re able to wake up. I hope this post inspired you to try out some of these morning routine ideas to help you become your best self!