Biohack your way into better health and overall well-being with these 17 biohacking tips for women. Although men have largely dominated this new health trend called biohacking, men and women have very different genetic structures. Women should focus on different aspects to reach peak health and wellness.
While men may thrive on bulletproof coffee and intermittent fasting for most of the day, a woman’s body craves more focus and attention to their hormones and the month-long cycle. Use some of these tips at once or slowly integrate them one at a time to see what methods lead to the greatest results on your biohacking journey.
1. Decrease Toxins-
Most products contain toxins to some degree, and it would be tough to eliminate everything from your life. Aim to do a general audit of your home’s beauty, lifestyle, and cleaning products and see what you can switch out for a cleaner alternative. Don’t stress too hard and do it slowly as being completely clean and toxin-free might take some time and much research or be next to impossible.
2. Diet-
One of the simplest biohacks is to aim to have the majority of your diet comprised of whole, unprocessed foods. Include many fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. Aim to stick to in-season foods as they taste better and hold more nutritional content.
3. Seed Cycle-
A woman’s typical 28-day cycle can be a total rollercoaster of symptoms and emotions. A newer biohacking tip for women is seed cycling which helps balance hormones depending on where you are in your cycle.
In the follicular phase of your cycle (days 1-14 with day 1 being the first day of menstruation) pumpkin and flaxseeds are ideal to help balance your estrogen levels. The second half of your cycle, the luteal phase that occurs through days 15-28, recommends sesame and sunflower seeds to keep your hormones in check.
1-2 tablespoons per day is recommended. These seeds can be eaten straight up, or added to smoothies, sprinkled on soups, yogurt, salads, or dips.
4. Cycle Syncing-
Unlike men, who run on a 24-hour cycle, women are often at the mercy of their hormones and cycle. They become more energized during ovulation and have less energy during the luteal and menstrual phases.
In reality, women cannot expect to perform at the same level of intensity all month long. By tracking your cycle you can utilize where you’re at to the best of your ability and tailor your diet, productivity, and workout plan.
5. Bluelight Glasses-
Bluelight from our screens whether cell phones, laptops, or TVs can wreak havoc on your melatonin production and wire your brain to believe it’s not time for sleep yet. It ruins your ability to fall asleep quickly and easily and interrupts your sleep quality, leading to a groggy morning. Invest in blue-light glasses for the nighttime and save your sleep cycle.
6. Red Light Therapy-
Red light therapy is natural light that penetrates deep into the skin reducing inflammation and oxygenating cells. It also helps repair free radical damage and allows muscles to recuperate faster after a workout. Red light can reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles and increase collagen production in the skin. Several red light therapy gadgets are currently on the market and red light therapy saunas are popping up in most major cities.
7. Breathing Techniques-
Anxiety plagues many individuals yet can be alleviated by using breathing techniques. When our breathing is shallow it constricts our body and energy making things feel tight and stressful.
By learning to breathe in through your nose slowly while expanding your ribs and diaphragm and out through your mouth, you breathe life into your stress and anxiety and lift the heaviness out of it. This is why things like meditation and focusing on your breathing are very beneficial for decreasing stress and anxiety levels.
The next time you feel anxious, breathe in for 8 counts, hold for 4, and breathe out for 8. Repeat this step until you feel lighter in body and mind.
8. Slow Down/Rest-
Overburdening yourself might seem fine in the short term but in the long term can lead to burnout. While you might feel guilty about it attempt to undo the conditioning about slowing down and incorporating rest periods into your life. Perhaps you take one lazy day a week to unwind or learn how to ask for help. Women want to do it all and have been trained by society pretty well. However, rest is just as important as the hustle. Biohacking can include doing less as opposed to more.
9. Cold Plunge-
A cold plunge for your body is akin to doing a hard reset on your computer. Your blood will rush to your vital organs, you’ll drain excess lymphatic fluids, your circulation will improve, your immune system will get a boost and your antioxidant levels will rise.
That doesn’t even cover the mental benefits of doing something tough yet rewarding. When your body enters a state of fight-or-flight in the cold water you’ll receive a boost of endorphins and elevate your mindstate for the day. What are you waiting for…jump in.
10. Earthing-
Our globe holds energy, the trees, the sun, and the ocean literally bring us life. Connect to that life force energy by earthing regularly. If it’s warm enough and safe to do so put your feet in the grass as often as you can. If it’s the dead of winter try to spend some time outside every day or as much as possible. Bask in the sun whenever you get a chance (with a strong SPF) even if only for a few minutes. Walk barefoot in the sand, hug a tree, take a hike, and spend time in nature soaking up the energy of Mother Earth.
11. Sleep-
Biohacking doesn’t always require anything too complicated. One of the most important biohacks is getting adequate sleep. While you’re sleeping your cells regenerate and repair themselves when you properly complete your sleep cycle.
As much as possible aim to have a consistent sleep/wake-up time so that your body can do this process repeatedly so that you look and feel your best. If you struggle with anxiety and have trouble falling asleep things like exercise, breathwork, and meditation can help. Many of these biohacking techniques work better in tandem with one another.
12. NMN-
If you’ve heard of NAD’s role in encouraging healthy aging look to its precursor NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide). It has shown promise in improving metabolism, increasing energy levels, slowing the aging process, and improving cognitive function.
Recently, more studies have been conducted to evaluate NMN’s effects. NMN works by increasing NAD levels. NAD levels are difficult to increase through supplementation because they cannot cross into the cells.
However, NMN works to increase NAD levels. Small traces of NMN can be found in edamame, tomatoes, broccoli, cucumber, avocado, and raw meats. These traces are minimal so supplementation would foster the best results. Always speak to your medical practitioner before introducing new supplements.
13. Movement-
Moving your body consistently is one of the best biohacks to support your health and longevity. This isn’t a new secret. While most of us know this, many struggle to implement this practice. The key is finding a source of movement you enjoy and want to stick to. It doesn’t have to be complicated — yoga, walking, weightlifting, dancing, boxing, pilates, etc.
There are so many forms so pick something or switch it up as often as you’d like. Fuel your body with nutrients and enough sleep so that you’ll have enough energy and motivation to get in your recommended movement.
14. Nootropics-
Nootropics, also known as smart drugs, fall into three categories: prescription drugs, synthetic compounds, and dietary supplements. They are supposed to boost brain function, cognition, memory, and learning. For those who suffer from ADHD, prescription drugs such as Adderall or Vyvanse can help brain function.
Piracetam is a synthetic drug created to decrease the signs of diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. Dietary supplements include caffeine, L-theanine, Lion’s mane, Ginkgo Biloba and Ashwagandha. The effectiveness of these supplements may range from person to person. Always consult your doctor before beginning any type of nootropic.
15. Anti-fasting-
Many male biohackers may swear by fasting and only eating between certain hours. Women’s bodies and hormones likely need more fuel throughout the day. Ditch the fasting rulebook and load up on fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, proteins, and other non-processed foods throughout the day.
16. Salt/Water/Lemon-
This beverage seems to have caused a bit of controversy regarding its effectiveness but many people who practice biohacking swear by it. First thing in the morning they reach for a glass of water with lemon and a pinch of pink Himalayan salt. It’s believed to increase hydration levels faster than standard water. The jury is still out on the final verdict so drink at your own discretion.
17. Tech-
From the Oura ring, Fitbit, sleep apps, etc there are tons of new wearables and gadgets to track everything from your sleep cycles, blood sugar levels, daily steps, heart rate, and much more. If you can afford to shell out a bit of money these tech devices can help you to track your health journey to see where your levels are normal or what areas you need to keep an eye on.
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Final Thoughts-
Biohacking can be as simple or as complicated as you’d like it to be. Incorporating movement, a healthy diet, salted lemon water, earthing, and a healthy sleep schedule are easy ways to biohack your health. Rest and relax by learning to slow down and introduce breathing techniques for less stress and anxiety.
Take biohacking into your own hands by reducing blue light, and aiming for cleaner products in your home. Biohack like a woman by not overdoing it on fasting, tracking your cycle, and seed cycling to support the ebbs and flows of your monthly cycle.
If you’d like to invest in biohacking products, a cold plunge tub, red light masks and mats, and wearable tech like the Oura ring can help you along your biohacking wellness journey. Introducing new supplements like NMN or nootropics may show some benefit for you with your doctor’s approval. Biohacking is a choose-your-own-adventure. You can do simple elements or you can choose to go all out with expensive gadgets and tools. Hopefully, you take whatever ideas appeal to you and apply them for a healthier and longer life.