Have you ever noticed a pattern between the planets and the days of the week? When you wake up and realize what day it is, do you notice a little shift in your energy? A Monday elicits a different reaction than let’s say a Friday. Even if you don’t have a traditional work or school schedule, the energy in the air just feels different for you and everyone around you.
This is because thousands and thousands of years ago, the ancient astrologers on our planet set up a seven-day-long week and connected each day of the week to each one of the planets or luminaries (the sun or the moon). This was before the planets Neptune, Uranus, or Pluto were discovered so you’ll find them excluded here.
Listed below are the French, Spanish, Italian, and Latin Spellings of these days. In their spelling, you’ll notice a connection to the names of the days of the week and each of their corresponding planets, excluding Sunday which is called the Lord’s Day.
When you learn the deeper meanings of the energy of each day and align your week accordingly to work with and not against the energy, you’ll notice a lot more ease and flow in your week. Make your life a little easier by planning your week with the planets.
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Lundi, Lunes, Lunedi, Lunae Dies (Moon)
Unfortunately for Monday, it has a bad wrap, or PR team. It’s the start of the traditional work week and everyone dreads it because the weekend is over. Its planetary associate is the moody moon which rules over the deeply emotional and intuitive water sign of Cancer.
The Monday blues is a common term used to describe this emotional day, which might be why everyone seems to be in more of a mood on a Monday. You don’t need to fear Mondays but be mindful of how you’re spending your time. Keep your schedule open and do your lighter, less important tasks today. Spend your free time relaxing, and processing your feelings.
The moon is connected to our divine feminine, read our post here to tap into your divine feminine goddess. The sign that the moon is in changes regularly so the energy of the day might be slightly different based on which sign it is in that day. When our emotions are resting at a higher level it’s better to do less. Don’t make big decisions and listen to your mind and body.
Use today to:
Go for a walk in nature, meditate, journal, self-reflect, do light stretching, do yoga, take a bath, or immerse yourself in a lake or ocean.
Mardi, Martes, Martedi, Martis Dies (Mars)
The planet Mars rules Tuesday. Mars rules the sign of Aries and formerly ruled the sign of Scorpio (before Pluto came along). Mars is the planet of fiery passion, aggression, and action. If you need a day to get shit done then Tuesday is your day. Use this day for the more challenging tasks on your to-do list.
If the moon is associated with your divine feminine then Mars is associated with your divine masculine. You’ll probably have a lot more energy on a Tuesday so feel free to start new projects, share your ideas, and gain momentum on whatever you’re working on.
Mars is the most aggressive of all the planets, so try not to be too combative with anyone unnecessarily. It’s also a great time to pencil in a high-energy workout. HIIT, boxing, or weight lifting are all good ideas today. Just remember to fuel your body with enough healthy calories and water to sustain your action-packed day.
Use today to:
High-intensity workout, start new projects, complete more challenging tasks, brainstorm new ideas. avoid combativeness.
Mercredi, Miercoles, Mercoledi, Mercurii Dies (Mercury)
Wednesday is ruled by the planet Mercury which oversees the signs of Virgo and Gemini. Mercury is the planet of communication, intellect, memory, and rationality. Wednesday is a good day for reading important documents, signing documents, writing, or having necessary conversations where communication is likely to be clear.
You’ve most likely fallen victim to its frequent retrogrades, where communication can get murky and misunderstandings run rampant. However, Mercury in and out of retrograde is nothing to fear. It just asks that you double or triple-check the information when making plans or appointments.
It’s also best to hold off signing anything or starting something new if possible when Mercury is in Gatorade. Otherwise, it’s a great day for thinking things through, using your brain, and communicating your thoughts.
Use today to:
Read, write, have important conversations, give a presentation, network.
Jeudi, Jueves, Giovedi, Lovis Dies (Jupiter)
Thursday is ruled by the planet Jupiter which rules over the astrological sign of Sagittarius. Jupiter, being the largest planet in our solar system, is the planet of growth, luck, and expansion. Thursday gives off a more joyous energy compared to the beginning of the week. You can begin to revel in the fruits of your labour and look forward to the weekend ahead.
If you’re looking to manifest things into your life this is a good day as Jupiter is the planet of prosperity and abundance. You might find that you feel a more optimistic vibe on a Thursday. It also oversees foreign travel, so this would be a good day to either plan out a trip or embody your inner jet setter.
Use today to:
Work on creative projects, craft a vision board, set and write down your intentions, complete a money manifestation ritual, travel.
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Vendredi, Viernes, Venerdi, Veneris Dies (Venus)
There’s good reason for the saying “Thank God It’s Friday”. Friday is partnered up with the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure — Venus. Venus rules over the signs of Libra and Taurus. Two signs who love the finer things in life.
Friday is a day of fun, socializing, and indulgence which is why Friday makes the perfect date night. If you’re single, a date night can include friends or taking yourself on a date.
After the traditional work week ends many people look forward to a couple of days off and the chance to let down their hair. However, if you’re not feeling a night out and looking to unwind, a cozy night in doing self-care and face masks or cooking a comforting meal are other good options to celebrate Friday. However you choose to spend this day, give into your guilty pleasures and enjoy it, you deserve to!
Use today to:
Go out on a date night, dress up, cook a nice meal, try a new restaurant, go dancing, socialize, meet new people, spend a cozy night in, face masks, have a movie night.
Samedi, Sabado, Sabato, Saturni Dies (Saturn)
While Saturn is typically thought of as an enjoyable day since many people have it off, it’s still a day to get shit done. Saturday is ruled by the planet Saturn which governs the sign of Capricorn. Saturn is known for its themes of discipline, productivity, ambition, preservation, and maturity.
When you go through your Saturn return (between the ages of 27 and 30) it’s a period of maturation where you’re meant to live through lessons that will propel you into the next level of adulthood.
Saturdays are meant for writing your to-do list and ticking off the boxes. Maybe that’s running errands, cleaning, decluttering, fixing things around the house, or tying up any loose ends you didn’t find time to do during the week.
It’s not always fun and games but when you focus on being productive and completing necessary tasks, you clear up mental space and can enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Use today to:
Run errands, schedule appointments, grocery shop, write out and cross off the to-do list, fix things around the house or hire a handyman, clean, declutter.
Dimanche, Domingo, Domenica, Dies Solis (Sun)
Sunday is ruled by quite obviously… the Sun. The Sun rules over the astrological sign of Leo. Leo is bright, fun, creative, and loyal. The sun shines light on the earth and brings warmth and happiness. That is very much the energy of Sunday.
Sunday is the perfect day to have a slow morning/afternoon/evening, spend with loved ones, and chill out. Spend your time today taking a walk in nature, getting ice cream or coffee, relaxing, and recharging your batteries.
Indulge in your desires and do activities that bring you joy. Since Monday is right around the corner you may want to spend time prepping for the day ahead so that you can rest easily and not start your week off in a chaotic fashion.
Use this day to:
Take it slow, relax, focus on your joy, spend time with loved ones, get creative, spend time outside, and prepare for the week ahead.
Final Thoughts-
Have you noticed the patterns between our world and the other planets in astrology? Even the names of our days of the week match up according to which planet it’s aligned with. Use this guide to help you plan your week so that everything runs more smoothly.
Use Monday for getting in touch with your emotions, Tuesday for aligned action, and Wednesday for of communication. Spend Thursday manifesting and expanding your desires and spend Friday indulging in love, beauty, and pleasure. Saturday is for discipline and doing “adulting” activities that need to get done while Sunday is for finding joy and recharging your batteries.
Hopefully, this guide to aligning your week with the planets will help you to have more harmonious weeks that feel aligned and connected to the Universal energy. Comment below and let us know how you plan to organize your week with the planets!