Spending time in nature can bring about feelings of calm and quiet an overactive mind. You’ll boost your mood without putting in much effort.
If you live or work in a bustling city area, then you’ll instantly feel the contrast in your mind and body after spending some time in a park, forest, or on a lake or mountain. The air is fresher and you can breathe deeper as your daily stress and anxiety starts to melt away.
There are many reasons why spending time in nature every day, or whenever you can manage, is beneficial for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Planning weekend camping trips, going for a park walk during your lunch breaks, or simply tending to your mini herb garden can positively impact your overall well-being.
The Japanese call it “Shinrin Yoku“, which translates to forest bathing. The art of forest bathing requires you to fully immerse yourself in your natural surroundings. What do you see, hear, taste, smell and touch?
Scrolling on your phone while doing this doesn’t fully engage all of your senses. When spending time outdoors, soak it up as much as possible, remaining in the present moment to reap the most out of your time.
In this post, we’ll go over how and why nature is so important for your overall health and wellness. You’ll also get suggestions on ways you can incorporate outdoor activities into your daily routine. Even if you’re tight on time, a little bit goes a long way to incur all of Mother Nature’s benefits.
Immune Boosting-
Not only is being in nature good for your mental state but it can give your immune system a boost. Especially now, it’s crucial to keep your immunity up and running efficiently.
Being outdoors gives you a much-needed dose of vitamin D which can be hard to get enough of if you live in northern countries. Vitamin D has been positively linked with keeping the body’s immune system functioning properly and can shorten the duration and severity of certain infections.
It can also help with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) which hits hardest during the winter months when there’s minimal sunlight. When spending time outdoors you’re more likely to participate in physical activity, even if only some light walking.
It’s important to get your body up and moving in some way every day, as humans are designed to move. Being outside can make this goal easier to accomplish.
NK Cells-
Natural Killer cells aka NK cells are a type of white blood cell whose job is to target and destroy viral infections, tumors, and other attacks. They emit toxins into the cells they’re fighting and kill them off.
Studies have found that being in nature can increase the number of NK cells your body produces, thereby ensuring your body is armed and ready to fight whatever comes its way. This is potentially due to the decrease in stress hormone levels and phytoncides given off from trees. You’ll want to round up your NK cell army by spending more time outdoors.
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Have you ever noticed the tightness in your chest ease up as you step outside? You can breathe deeper and the racing thoughts in your mind begin to slow down.
Getting in nature is like entering a meditative state without meditating. You’re grounded into the present moment experiencing the different sights and sounds in front of you.
A 2015 study observed two groups of people who went for a 90-minute walk. One group in an urban setting and one group in a natural setting. The next day they switched their walking environments.
The results found that when the groups walked in the natural setting, the activity in their prefrontal cortex along with self-rumination, which is repetitive negative self-focused thoughts, also occurring in the prefrontal cortex, lessened.
If you’re finding yourself spiralling into a whirlwind of negative thoughts then going outside is a great way to cope. If you live in an urban environment without a close by park or green space attempt to create it in your own space.
Fill your home with plants, and fresh flowers. Paint your walls in earth-toned colours, listen to nature sounds, leave your blinds open, and pay attention to natural light when moving into somewhere new.
Naturally Connected-
When we spend time in nature we can’t help but feel more connected to Mother Earth. We can see how the universe works in effortless harmony. The trees and flowers bloom every spring without any effort from humans, the mountains remind you how much bigger things are outside of your inner world.
Nature houses all types of creatures and gives them everything they need to survive. Before the Industrial Revolution, that’s all we humans needed to survive as well. It wasn’t quite as convenient as ordering Uber Eats in your pj’s while binge-watching Netflix, but a reminder that humans were born and bred to be in nature. It helps to ground you back to who you are and let go of your minuscule but seemingly big problems, worries, and doubts.
If you’ve been feeling disconnected and distracted from the noise of our current technological world, step outside to seek some solitude. Rediscover what you truly value and what else is fluff.
If you’re looking to gain a deeper spiritual connection or a deeper connection to your inner being, spending 10, 15, 20, or more minutes outside every day is a surefire way to deepen and strengthen that connection to yourself, to others, and the Earth.
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Nature Struggles-
This may be more difficult if you live in an urban area without proximity to natural and green spaces. Also, not everyone lives in a super-safe community. In certain areas, going for a walk around the block might not be a comfortable experience.
If you can, venture out to somewhere you do feel safe, if only on the weekends or certain days then that’s great too. Do what you can manage.
As much as we want to see the good in this world it is super important to be safe while outside. Always be aware of your surroundings. When getting outside, try to go with a buddy, aim to go out during daytime hours, and ALWAYS be aware and cognizant of what’s going on around you.
Bring your phone and have it charged but don’t become glued to it. This isn’t to instill fear or worry but it is important to be aware, no matter what area or place you live in.
Outdoor Activities-
Here’s a list of activities you can do during the summer and winter months to get some fresh air and exercise at the same time.
- Hiking
- Walking/Dog Walking
- Camping
- Boating
- Ice skating
- Snowshoeing
- Bonfire
- Swimming
- Gardening, indoor or outdoor
- Biking
- Running
- Rollerblading
- Outdoor sports -Golfing, Disc golf, soccer, flag football, volleyball, beach volleyball, tennis,
- Forrest bathing
- Sunbathing
- Skiing
- Snowboarding
- Cliff jumping
- Waterfall chasing
Final Thoughts-
Here we’ve gone over why spending time in nature is so beneficial. Invite your friends, family, and pets to join in and get involved. Whether you’re down for a 6 am jog every morning, a walk on your lunch break, or an evening bike ride there are so many ways to incorporate outdoor activities into your daily routine.
Rain or shine, snow or sun there are many options you can fit into your life. Being outside in nature can increase your NK cells and improve your immunity.
Nature can also boost your mood, relieve mild anxiety and depression, and help you feel a stronger connection to yourself and the Universe around you. You’ll have fun while also engaging in physical activity to keep your body moving and become as strong and healthy as possible.
The more time you spend in nature and feel its positive effects the more you’ll crave outdoor adventures in your life. Try out some new and different activities or head to a new spot you haven’t before, you might discover a hidden gem. Stay safe and have fun!