When mapping out how your dream life looks, it takes intentional steps and intentional living to get there. Living your life is just that… living your life and not letting it control you. People often wonder why their life doesn’t quite look how they want it to, yet don’t realize that intentionality goes a long way.
Of course, no one’s life will always look or feel perfect. It won’t and it shouldn’t. The struggle is a part of the whole process and has the purpose of reshaping, redefining, and redirecting our lives.
The lows are just as important, if not more important than the highs. That said, if you want to live your life with more intention to create the life of your dreams, then keep reading to find out how. Living your life with intention takes a little planning, organizing, and of course living.
As the saying goes, “If you fail to plan then plan to fail“. This is a crucial step. Most people don’t live their lives with intention because they don’t know what they want or what the hell their “dream life” looks like. If you don’t know where you want to go, you’ll run in circles like a dog chasing their tail.
No one is expected to have it all figured out at once, and you shouldn’t. Trying different and new things is a part of figuring out who you are and what you like. Figure out what makes you tick so you can incorporate ways of living that authentically align with you.
Write it Out-
Take time to write down your goals and your dream life in 1, 2, 5, and 10 years. What are your favourite things to do? What can you make money doing? How much money do you want to make?
Do you have things that you’re passionate about? What do you want your house to look like? What car do you want to drive? Maybe you’d like to bike or walk more for your health.
How will your relationships look and feel? How do you want to dress? How do you want to give back? How do you want to show up for yourself and others? How do you plan to take care of your mental and physical wellness?
Asking yourself these questions and getting very clear and specific is a great start to living your life with intention. Don’t feel guilty about what you want and don’t feel pressured to create a life someone else or society wants for you.
The more you know what your soul truly desires the more you can stick to your guns and live authentically.
It’s hard to be what you can’t see. Making a vision board can help you visualize what you’re after. Everyone processes things differently. If you’re a visual learner this can help you to visually see your dream life and motivate you to pursue it.
If cutting and gluing out magazine pages isn’t your style then another option is the Pinterest board. Pin your dream home, home decor, dream wardrobe, motivational quotes, and any other pictures that inspire your soul.
If you don’t consider yourself a particularly stylish person or don’t have a specific aesthetic, having a style board on Pinterest can help you to visually see the style of dress you prefer. When you go shopping, revert to your Pinterest board to see what style and aesthetic you’re drawn to so that you can pick out clothes that accurately reflect your style and taste.
This is an easy way to intentionally shop. If you don’t LOVE an article of clothing and if it doesn’t scream “you” then there’s no point in spending money on it.
This is one way to ensure that you are living true to yourself and not buying clothes that are the latest trend but don’t reflect your style. Intentional shopping should be the same way you go about other areas in your life.
Of course, it’s good to step outside of your comfort zone and be open to trying new things, but you’ll want to do it in a way that reflects you.
If you want to have an intentional life then relationships are a huge part of that. Review the current relationships in your life and reflect if they make you happy, and inspire you to grow and be your best self. Are your relationships healthy, mutually respectful, and joyous? Or are they toxic, manipulative, and frustrating?
When reviewing your relationships, it’s important to take stock of your part in it as well. Are you being toxic or manipulative? Are you putting effort into nurturing your relationships in a healthy and not co-dependent way? Relationships take work and go both ways.
It’s important that whether they be romantic relationships, friendships, or family relationships all parties are doing the work to foster a mature, healthy, and respectful relationship. If they aren’t, then someone may have to step back to let the other person work on themselves and vice versa.
If someone isn’t willing to do the work, some cutting off, either temporarily or not, could be necessary and beneficial for all parties.
Seeking out a professional therapist can be helpful individually and in your relationships. They can help you to see repeating patterns that keep you stuck. If therapy isn’t in your budget, many therapists offer a sliding scale to make appointments more affordable.
Apps like BetterHelp and Talkspace can be good options if you have a tight budget or don’t like the idea of face-to-face therapy. Many therapists also offer phone, zoom, and in-person sessions if you prefer a particular style.
You might have to try out multiple therapists until you find the right fit so don’t be discouraged if you don’t connect to the first one.
Clean and Organize-
Keeping things clean, organized, and decluttered will clear your mind and help you focus. It might not feel like this has any correlation but it does. Get rid of old clothes, books, clutter, etc. that have no value or purpose in your life.
A spotless house 24/7 isn’t the goal but a few minutes daily of tidying up, making beds, putting dishes and garbage away will make a world of difference. Intentional living means only keeping things that have a purpose and/or add value to your life. Keeping random knick-knacks and clothes that haven’t been worn in over a year needs to go. All they’re doing is taking up space.
Get rid of the old to make room for the new things you want to manifest. Live with intention by only keeping things that align with the dream life you’re creating for yourself. Read Marie Kondo’s “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” and keep only what brings you joy or serves a purpose.
If consuming media daily drains your energy then don’t do it. It’s good to stay informed with accurate information on important topics, but it’s also important to take breaks. Our current world is flooded with media 24/7 which is new compared to how humans have lived on this Earth previously.
Do a clean-up now and then of your socials. Clean up who you’re following and what media you consume. Check your sources, check your facts, and don’t automatically believe everything that’s out there. Misinformation runs rampant. Aim to keep an objective and non-biased view of things you read online.
What you consume daily will shape your view of the world. If following supermodels on social media makes you self-conscious, hit the unfollow. If accounts are spewing hate then hit the block, if fighting in the comments feels like you’re talking to a brick wall then don’t engage.
Be intentional about how you consume social media so that it doesn’t take control of your life. Be wary of your screen time and set time limits on frequently used apps.
Talk To You Nicely-
When living with intention, and creating a life you love living, watch how you speak to and treat yourself. If you envision yourself as the person you’re striving to become, would you hurl insults at them or bring them down? Probably not… so, why do that to yourself now?
Unfortunately, we live in a harsh world, that will try to tear you down. Be there for yourself more than anyone. Watch how you speak to yourself, in your head and out loud. Being self-aware of your faults and where you can grow and improve is still important. Learn to give yourself criticism in a constructive way.
Be gentle with yourself and name three things you’re proud of yourself for every day. Living with intention is also being intentionally loving to yourself.
Actionable Steps to Reach Goals-
Write out your goals frequently and write down the actions to take to achieve those goals. Living day by day and going through the motions is not what living with intention feels like.
Even if you’re crazy busy, if you have a reason for why you’re doing what you’re doing and how it’ll get you to reach your next goal, you’ll feel proud and accomplished. Write down what you want and a few small actionable steps so that you wake up every day with a purpose.
Even if your goals aren’t motivated by money, power, fame, or career advancement as long as they are meaningful and personal to you, they’re impactful. Maybe you’re a hardworking teacher who wants to see their students succeed or you are working for a non-profit and want to raise more money for a great cause. Writing your goals down and putting them into action will show better results for you than just going through the motions.
Self-Care and Wellness-
When you take care of yourself you feel more in tune with your mind, body & spirit. Part of living an intentional life is feeling what aligns best with you. Getting enough sleep, exercising, getting in nature, drinking enough water and meditating are all great ways to practice self-care and develop your intuition.
These don’t have to be the only ways, maybe you love gardening, painting, or dancing. Whatever way you find yourself in a state of flow, do more of. If you can find a healthy way to connect with your inner self and what it wants and needs, then living intentionally will come more naturally.
Final Thoughts-
Living your life with intention may sound like an abstract concept. You might think, isn’t that what everyone is already doing? But, when you look at it, many people are living day by day and not living the life they wish they were. By living intentionally, you’re assessing where you are in life, where you want to go, and how you plan to get there.
Without a course of action, many people find themselves stuck. Stuck in a bad relationship, a shitty job, or a neighbourhood or house they hate. If you want to transform yourself and your life then living with intention can help to get you there.
Be realistic with where you are, while being gracious and not beating yourself up about it. Plan out small but actionable steps and have a why and purpose for doing the things you’re doing. Wake up in the morning excited to take on the day and feel proud of yourself for where you’ve been and where you’re going.
Treat yourself and others with kindness along the way while also standing firm in who you are and how you’d like to be treated in return. A little planning, a little organizing, and a little self-love go a long way when it comes to living with intention and living your best life.