Human Design is a unique blend of the Judaic kabbalah, Chinese i ching, chakra system, and astrology. Similar to your astrological birth chart your human design chart snapshots a moment in time (the exact moment you were born) giving you a blueprint of your energy.
By deciphering your human design chart you can see how to best harness your energy and hone your strengths. The human design chart has many layers and can be intimidating to explore.
Today we’ll review some of the basics to help you better understand how to interpret your human design chart. This will hopefully give you insight and clarity into your designated makeup.
How To Find Your Chart-
To figure out your inner workings look online for a human design calculator and input your date of birth, exact time of birth, and location. Make sure to put the exact time as the things in your chart can shift if incorrect.
Jenna Zoe is a great resource for all things human design. She has a website where you can input your information and get your human design chart and an app to dig deeper into the elements that make up you.
Jenna wrote a book called “Human Design: The Revolutionary System That Shows You Who You Came Here To Be”. She also has the podcast “Human Design with Jenna Zoe” which discusses all things human design and spirituality, like connecting with your intuition based on your design type.
Why Learn Your Human Design Chart-
Your human design chart can teach you so many things from your energy type to how to respond to decisions and those around you, best eating practices for digestion, your conscious and unconscious profile, and how to know when you’re on or off track.
Energy Types-
Manifestors are the inventors, the dreamers, the visionaries. They represent about 9% of the world’s population. They can often become impassioned with new ideas and look to swing them forth into action impulsively. Manifestors thrive when they inform others of their plans first so that everyone is comfortable and aware of what’s happening when the manifestor decides to spring into action.
The most common energy type is the generator which makes up around 70% of the world’s population. Generators have the energy and vitality to get things done. While manifestors are great at coming up with ideas a generator will likely carry it through.
When generators find something they’re passionate about there’s no stopping them. The world quite literally runs on generators. When ideas come into the atmosphere generators respond well to them. While they have a strong life force energy generators must remember to rest and take breaks occasionally.
Manifesting Generator:
Manifesting generators comprise around 34% of the population and are a hybrid of the manifestor and generator energy types. Man Gens are often multi-passionate people and like to switch things up and explore new experiences that excite them.
While it’s good to test out things that inspire you, man gens can sometimes be a jack of all trades and master of none or not finish what they’ve started. Aim to focus your skills and talents on some things you can succeed in. Man gens have a defined sacral response which helps to tune into what your gut is telling you. Learn to discern what your brain and logic are trying to say to you versus your inner authority.
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Projectors average around 20% of the population and are here to transmute the energy of others to guide and innovate. They are great leaders who can see the big picture and other things that others cannot.
Projectors effectively find the most efficient way to complete tasks or projects or create new systems entirely. Projectors need to wait for an invitation from people who will be open and receptive to their ideas otherwise the projector can feel unappreciated.
Even small cues like open body language or active listening can be cues that someone is willing to listen to what you have to share. Projectors may not have as much energy as the generator or manifesting generator group and can easily burn out.
It’s important to take frequent breaks especially when fatigued so that you can use your productivity when it’s most needed and appreciated. Projectors need time a lot of time alone to recharge, remember to practice boundaries so that you’re not pouring from an empty cup.
Reflectors are the rarest energy type making up just 1% of the world’s population. Reflectors have no defined energy centres and are completely open. They can reflect and mirror other people back to themselves. They’re easily adaptable and can fit in well with different types of people.
Since they’re so open and intuitive they must surround themselves with calm energy, things, people, and places that feel good to them. When making decisions they can be easily influenced by those around them which is why it’s important to wait a full lunar cycle before making any important decisions. This ensures that their decision is theirs and not influenced by anyone else.
Your authority is how you’re best designed to make decisions. If you’re a sacral authority who should be listening to your gut but instead overthink and try to use your logical mind then you won’t be making your decisions in an aligned way. By following your authority you can make decisions with more ease and flow and feel more confident with the potential outcome.
- Emotional- Someone with strong emotions might feel a way when their emotions have consumed them. This could lead to them making a decision that they later regret. An emotional authority should wait until the waves of emotions pass and they’re in a calm state before making decisions.
- Sacral- This is the classic listen to your gut feeling authority. Somewhere in the pit of your stomach, you should feel when something is a good idea or not. It’s typically either an immediate hell yes or if it’s not then you know it’s a hell no. You can feel an overall sense of excitement or dread.
- Splenic- The splenic authority is a quiet inner knowing. That intuition that whispers to you. Often people have trouble differentiating between anxiety and intuition but it’s said that anxiety is loud while intuition is neutral or quiet.
- Ego (Heart)- Following your heart instead of what your logical mind is telling you to do. If the feeling in your chest is longing for something that’s a good indication of what’s right for you. Don’t get it twisted though sometimes we can get confused with what we think we want vs what’s actually good for us. This takes a high level of discernment.
- Self-Projected (G)- This authority does well to talk it out with those around them to gain clarity on a situation. This isn’t to get others’ opinions necessarily but to come up with their own conclusions by saying things out loud and putting the puzzle pieces of a situation together.
- Environmental- The environment you process things in matters. If you work in a stressful environment it may be wise to wait until you get home or are in a calm space surrounded by safe people to make your decisions.
- Lunar- A person with a lunar authority has no defined centres and therefore should wait for a full lunar cycle (around 28 days) before making decisions. This ensures that others’ opinions will not influence your decision-making process and your decisions are coming from you and your best interests.
Your strategy is how you’re designed to interact with the world and people around you.
Generators- are here to respond to the world around them.
Manifesting Generators- are here to respond and then inform.
Manifestors- are here to inform those around them.
Projectors- are meant to wait for the invitation.
Reflectors- should wait for a full lunar cycle. Reflectors need a lot of time to process information.
Not-Self Theme-
Your signature/not self theme will let you know when you are not living in alignment or are not living your authentic truth.
Generator- frustration
Manifestor- anger
Manifesting Generator- frustration & anger = impatience
Projector- Bitterness
Reflector- Disappointment
Your signature self-theme will bring up positive emotions that will let you know that you are living according to your authentic nature.
Generator- satisfaction
Manifestor- peace
Manifesting Generator- satisfaction & peace
Projector- success
Reflector- surprise or wonder
Final Thoughts-
The human design chart is another way for you to understand yourself on a deeper level. It can tell you how you are best meant to work, process information, and make decisions. When you act in accordance with your design you may find that you have a lot more ease and flow in your life instead of feeling like you’re pushing up a hill.
This has been a small deep dive into learning about the human design chart as there is so much more to cover. However, you can use this guide as a starting point before diving any further. Hopefully, by learning more about your human design you can live a life in complete alignment.