Just like our bodies, we want our brains to be operating at maximum efficiency. Use these 6 natural brain boosters to help keep your brain sharp and healthy. Whether you’ve got exam season, projects, research, or want to feel more on the ball and in control of your days.
No matter how young or old you are it’s important to practice preventative measures to keep your brain sharp and healthy. By doing this, you’ll reduce the risk of cognitive decline as you age. Diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and other forms of memory loss, which tend to show up later in life, can fester when living an unhealthy lifestyle.
Although we can’t physically see our brains without a CT scan, your body will give you clues that it’s not functioning at its peak. Poor memory, trouble concentrating, brain fog, and fatigue, are signs that’ll help you see what’s going on underneath the surface.
Brain-boosting supplements, called nootropics have been flooding the market, promising to cure ailments and sharpen your brain. However, studies have shown that many of these products are ineffective.
Implementing a variety of healthy lifestyle choices will be your best line of defense. Not to mention all the money you’ll save. Listed below are the natural brain boosters to keep your mind sharp, focused, and healthy for years to come.
If you live with diagnosed or undiagnosed anxiety, depression, OCD, ADHD, autism, sleep disorders, etc, you should consult with your doctor and/or psychiatrist to come up with the best plan for your brain. While the things listed below are beneficial for your brain health you may need extra support.
We often underestimate how crucial sleep is to our mental, physical, and emotional health. A good night’s rest resets and replenishes our cells. When our sleep is lacking other issues seem to follow. I’m sure most people have attempted an all-nighter before a deadline or an exam, only to experience their brain malfunction when they need it most.
It’s recommended that adults sleep a total of 7-9 hours per night depending on how much they need to function. When a child is tired they cry, kick, and scream until they can be put down for a nap. When an adult is tired they push through the day in a groggy and grumpy mood, making little mistakes along the way.
Research has shown that if you want to be laser-focused, get more done, and make fewer mistakes sleep is the best option. For mothers of young ones, shift workers, and those suffering from sleep disorders, getting the proper amount of Z’s can be a struggle.
If possible, shift workers should try to keep their schedule to either mainly day or night to keep a solid routine. Mothers and fathers, use whatever methods work for you and your kids while attempting to maximize sleep for all parties involved! Sleep is the best medicine.
Manage Stress-
Another obvious, yet overlooked method to keep your brain in tip-top shape is to manage stress. This can be tough and annoying to hear when nothing but stress is swinging at you. However, managing stress is incredibly important to keep your brain alert and healthy.
The key word here is managing, not eliminating. Stress will never be eliminated from one’s life but we can try to peacefully cohabitate. Getting out in nature, going to therapy, meditating, eating healthy, exercising, talking to someone, and picking up a hobby are some ways we can learn to live with the burdens of daily stress.
Brain Foods-
Eating a healthy and well-balanced diet will give your brain the fuel it needs to power through the day. While junk food and desserts should be enjoyed in moderation, how many times have you noticed a foggy brain after gouging on an excessive number of treats? Just like your organs and body, the brain also wants to be fed a certain way.
Omega 3’s:
An array of healthy fats and omega 3’s will give your brain the power boost it needs. Think fatty fish (salmon, trout, cod, mackerel, herring, sardines).
For vegetarians and vegans, reach for walnuts, chia, hemp and flax seeds, avocado, seaweed and edamame.
Acting similarly to an antioxidant, resveratrol is a plant compound, polyphenol, found in the skin of grapes, peanuts, dark chocolate, red wine, and certain berries.
Some studies have shown that it lowers the number of amyloid-beta that forms (the plaques that lead to Alzheimer’s disease.) Resveratrol can also protect the brain from cell damage. So, feel free to enjoy a glass (just one) of red wine a couple of times a week.
Dark leafy greens:
Packed with vitamins B, C, K, folate, nitrate, beta-carotene and so much more. Getting adequate servings every day or at least several times a week can slow cognitive decline over the years.
Spinach, kale, arugula, swiss chard, and collard greens are fantastic sources. Make into salads, blend into smoothies, sautée as a side dish, or fold into wraps.
We all know that caffeine from coffee, tea, and matcha makes you more focused, and alert and improves your memory. Try to keep your caffeine intake around 1-2 cups or under the point where anxiety and jitters kick in.
We hear that our bodies are made up of 70% water, but what about our brains? About 75% of our brain is made up of H2O which means dehydration will have serious negative effects on you. Keep water filled up and close by throughout the day, so that it’s within arm’s reach.
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The brain and the heart are intrinsically connected. Keep in mind that if something is good for your heart then it’s probably good for your brain. Regular exercise will get your blood pumping and oxygen flowing to your brain.
Not to mention the endorphins that will flood your body, uplift your mood, increase your energy, and decrease stress and anxiety. Whether it’s a walk, hot yoga, pilates, boxing, or a HIIT workout. Choose whatever form of exercise you enjoy most. Doing something you actually like will increase your chances of sticking to a routine. At least 30 minutes of exercise is recommended 5-6 times per week.
Practicing meditation is like a spring cleanup for your brain. When you constantly have thoughts rummaging up there it can get cluttered and messy. Meditating is the perfect way to clean things up and make space. Research has shown that meditating regularly can cause new neurons in your brain to form.
20 minutes is recommended daily but if you only have 5, 10, or 15 minutes to spare you will still reap a myriad of benefits. Meditating will boost your mood, decrease stress, and is shown to decrease symptoms of those living with anxiety and depression.
A calm mind can function more efficiently, be less reactive, less forgetful, and remain more objective. You’ll feel better overall and your brain will remain keen for years to come.
Brain Games/Learn a Language/Challenge Yourself-
Brains love learning new things. That’s literally what they’re for. Learning words as a child helps us to communicate while learning basic life skills keeps us alive. The brain needs and wants to be stimulated in countless ways.
Learning a new language, reading, playing brain games, or attempting to learn something challenging for you is welcomed by the brain with open arms. Push yourself even if you’ll never use what you’ve learned, as it will expand your brain to crave a sense of wonder.
It’s liberating when you realize you don’t come close to knowing everything. There’s so much more information you’ll accumulate throughout your life. The human condition forces us to always want more.
The world’s most successful people are consistently striving to expand their horizons. Learning never ends no matter how much you think you know, there’s always more to learn.
Final Thoughts-
That’s just some of the ways that you can naturally boost your brain power. Although some brain boosters (nootropics) may help you if you’re deficient in certain nutrients, your best bet is adopting a healthier lifestyle. Getting adequate sleep, eating a healthy and balanced diet, exercising, and learning new things are the keys to a long-lasting, healthy brain.