“Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.” -Henry Ford
Having an abundance mindset can make or break you. Our minds are powerful creators and can envision things and think of ways to bring them to fruition. Creating an abundance mindset is crucial if you have big goals and dreams for your life.
Having an abundant mindset includes looking at the glass half full. Believing there’s more than enough time, money, and resources to go around. You’re happy for others when they reach success and know it doesn’t hinder your potential success. Having a scarcity mind is the exact opposite of that. You’ll believe that resources are finite and someone else being successful equates to you having a lesser chance of succeeding.
While some people are born into situations where being optimistic is a lot easier than for others, an abundance mindset can be cultivated by anyone with some practice and intentional effort. (Situations where your basic needs aren’t met, make this tougher and more complex).
Feeling scarcity can also be due to past traumas of financial instability. You might need more in-depth therapies to overcome this. However, if you are someone with your basic needs met and want to feel more grateful for all that you currently have — we’ll go over the key steps to reframe your mindset to feel more abundant.
Focus On What You Have-
Those who live with a scarcity mindset are going to be constantly looking at everything they’re missing. It can be hard to feel abundant when you focus on everything you don’t have. Let’s face it, there’s always someone out there with more money than you, a bigger house, more cars, more clothes, and better shoes.
No matter what tax bracket you fall into, there will always be someone in proximity with more. While it’s good to reach for the stars, there has to be a certain level of contentment. What actually brings you joy versus what you think will make you look cool to the outside world? Focus on attaining things that bring you joy, like your close personal relationships, your pets, or your job that you’re passionate about. Be grateful for all you already have to create a more abundant mindset.
Gratitude Lists-
Forming the habit of practicing gratitude is one of the easiest ways to form an abundance mindset. Use a notebook or specific gratitude journal and spend 5 minutes daily writing down things that bring you happiness.
Just because you don’t have the dream mansion yet doesn’t mean you can’t be grateful for what you have now. Look at all of the seemingly insignificant things you might take for granted. Your coffee machine, warm blankets, and the home decor pieces you love. Be grateful for the sun that warms your face every morning, your plants, hot water for your shower, etc.
We live in times where we take for granted all of the luxuries that humans never had before. Although life is still hard and has challenges in other aspects, we’ve also never had it so good. Aim to see the positives throughout the day. (This is not suggesting only being happy and never complaining and practicing toxic positivity because that’s not healthy either.)
Spend a bit of time being grateful and appreciating the little and big things in our lives. This will put you in the headspace of abundance.
Paying bills is a huge buzzkill. Many people dread the first of the month when it rolls around because rent or the mortgage is due. We never hear of anyone being ecstatic to pay their monthly bills. Bills aren’t going anywhere. Rent will probably always be due on the first as well as the car payments, hydro, and the wifi bill. Since you’re going to be stuck paying these bills anyway, let’s try to reframe our mindset.
When rent comes out on the first, while it may be a bummer, can you think of all the nights you’ve spent in your place the past month? Think of all the times you’ve been warm and cozy, especially if it snowed or rained. Imagine all the time you’ve spent alone or relaxing with loved ones. Think of your favourite memories from the past month and how they wouldn’t be possible if you didn’t pay your rent or mortgage.
We think of money being drained out of our accounts like water down the drain but you’re paying for a roof over your head. Hopefully, you have a warm and safe place to stay. You’re paying more than just rent or a mortgage, you’re paying for a place to call home, a warm place to sleep at night, and a place to feel safe in the world.
Same for your phone bill, you were able to use the apps, connect with people, and google things as much as you wish. If you have a car payment you’re able to get around quickly and at your leisure. While bills do suck, when you reframe your mindset to be grateful for the things you’re paying for, it makes them seem more worth the money.
When you live with a scarcity mindset, you’ll believe that someone else winning, means you losing. With an abundance mindset, you know that someone else’s success does not detract from your own.
It makes you look better and someone people want to have around when you can be happy for someone else’s gains and not jealous, vengeful, and bitter. You’ll come off as secure in your skin and confident in yourself when you clap for others’ victories.
Fixed vs Growth Mindset-
Having a fixed mindset will lead you to believe that you’re born with a certain cap level on your intelligence and talents and no matter how hard you try, they won’t change. A person with a growth mindset believes with practice and effort, you can improve your intelligence, talent, and skill levels.
Now guess which mindset belongs to who? Of course, having a fixed mindset goes hand in hand with having a scarcity mindset. Having a growth mindset works in harmony with having an abundance mindset.
Sure, some people are born with a bit of natural talent. However, that natural talent won’t get them very far if they don’t also work hard. Having an abundance mindset is knowing that you can shape yourself and grow into the person you wish to become with time, effort, and consistency.
Strengths & Weaknesses-
Everyone has strengths and everyone has weaknesses. Not one person is built up of only strengths. By having an abundance mindset, you’ll focus on the things that showcase your strengths while improving your weaknesses. A person with a scarcity mindset will believe that your weaknesses hold you back from attaining the things you dream of no matter your strengths.
Who You Surround Yourself With-
It’s said that you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with. If you notice that the people you’re surrounded with are often negative, gossiping, and stuck in a scarcity mindset, it might be time to reduce and limit those interactions if possible.
If you’re looking to make new friends then be aware of how someone speaks about themselves, other people, and the world before making them your new best friend. Surrounding yourself with abundantly minded people can rub off on you and make a huge difference in how you live your life.
Final Thoughts-
Even if you don’t currently have an abundance mindset, with some practice and intentional effort you can cultivate one. One way to focus on feeling abundant is by focusing on all you currently have instead of what you lack. Practice daily gratitude and write down a few things you’re grateful for, no matter how big or small it appears to be. Realize that we can all win, someone’s success doesn’t take away from your own.
Be careful of who you surround yourself with during the majority of your time. See if those people’s mindset aligns with yours or aligns with how you wish to become. Don’t fall into the trap of the fixed mindset where you believe that you’re born with a certain level of intelligence or talents and you can never get past that base level.
Cultivate a growth mindset where anything is possible with enough practice, consistency, and effort. Focus on and showcase your strengths while you work on your weaknesses. By putting these methods into practice and cultivating an abundance mindset, you’ll put yourself ahead of the game. Things that seemed out of reach in the past, will now be within your grasp. People will gravitate toward your attitude and you’ll be someone people want to surround themselves with and learn from.
Your chance of success will be so much higher with an abundance mindset. Comment below and let us know which of these methods you’re looking forward to practicing the most or which method worked best for you. Hopefully, you’ll feel much more abundant from here on out!