How does one stay grounded in a very ungrounded world? Were humans ever supposed to have this much information at our fingertips? Were comparisons and access to 24/7 media meant for our sensitive souls and overthinking brains?
Every period of time seems to have had its issues and problems to deal with. Our issues and problems are right in front of our faces with no way to turn a blind eye. This, in a way, can be a good thing. Our outdated systems are out in the open for the world to see. However, talk about overstimulation.
The anxiety that the average person deals with daily seems to have only gone up. Is it more acceptable to talk about or is our threshold of anxiousness continuing to climb the ladder? They say that talking things out loud lessens their power over you. But why is the collective and individual anxiety only getting worse? It seems that society is having a hard time getting excited about a future that’s so uncertain and seemingly bleak.
Why You Should Ground Yourself-
As scary as the world may seem, learning to achieve a grounded state of being will help you get through your days in a calmer state of mind and body. This will help you make it through your day, hopefully in a good enough headspace to accomplish your goals.
Here we’ll review some methods to help you ground yourself. While daily life, other people, tasks, and the state of the world can easily pull us out of our minds and bodies and leave us in a frantic energetic state use these techniques to pull yourself back down to earth.
Learning how to ground yourself can be practiced even before you need it. When your energy and emotions are heightened it can be harder to centre your energy. By having these methods ready in your back pocket, you can pull them out anytime and when you need them most.
You won’t feel grounded all the time. Your days might oscillate between becoming ungrounded, noticing, refocusing, and becoming grounded again. It’s okay to have both as long as you’re aware when you’re becoming unanchored and know you can ground yourself at any moment.
Have you ever been in nature, be it a park, beach, mountain, or forest, and witnessed your mind go still and your heart feel at peace? Being in nature connects us back to our roots and reminds us that we’re made up of atoms like the trees and flowers are.
While we’re a much more complex species with emotions and thoughts (or so we think), just as the seasons change and run through their cycles, our life does as well. Nature can remind you that no matter what you’re going through, good or bad, it won’t always stay that way. The only guarantee in life is that nothing stays the same.
Depending on whether you get your energy from being alone or being with other people or a bit of both, don’t forget to do things that fill up your energy reserve. If you’re an extrovert who’s been hibernating at home you might begin to not feel like yourself.
If you’re an introvert with too many social obligations, cut back to what’s most important. To ground yourself, maintain a healthy balance of energy by tending to your introverted or extroverted tendencies.
While breathing is an inherent skill, when our minds get chaotic our breathing might become shallow and tighten our chest and consciousness. Find a breathing technique that feels good to you. You might find breathing in for 8 seconds holding for 4 and exhaling for 8 grounds you back into the present moment and helps to clear your thoughts. There are tons of different breathing methods out there to help you ground yourself. Find one that works for you.
When we become ungrounded it’s usually because we’re focusing on the past or the future. By staying present we can be grounded in the moment which is ideal most of the time. Meditating regularly can help you become more present and act from an aligned space. Rather than ruminating on the past or projecting onto the future.
There are many variations and ways to meditate so if you don’t like one you might connect to another. You can do a body scan meditation where you scan your head down to your feet or vice versa. Notice any feelings or sensations without trying to change them.
Are there parts of your body that are hot or cold, in pain, or feeling tense? Breathe into any areas that feel tense or any anxious emotions you feel during the body scan. Emotions are often stored in the body and can cause discomfort or go unnoticed until you begin to pay attention.
A sneaky way that anxiety can snowball and continue growing is when we don’t know what’s causing it or what direction it’s coming from. When you’re unable to put a finger or name to it, it can exacerbate the effects.
Putting your thoughts or brain clutter onto paper can assist you in clearing out the junk. When you first wake up or earlier in your day write out a page or if you have the time three pages of handwritten writing of whatever comes to mind. This practice is called Morning Pages.
It doesn’t have to make sense and it doesn’t have to be good writing. It’s to help you release and have an outlet to put the chaos upstairs to bed. These words are for you alone. Keep them somewhere no one will find them or throw them out after.
When we live so much in our head our mind begins to take the lead and depending on your mental state can cause a frenzy. A key to learning how to ground yourself is to perform activities that take you out of your head and anchor you to the present moment, your body, or your hands.
Do you play music, create artistic works, or write poems? Even if you haven’t had experience with creativity in the past doesn’t mean you can’t start. While some people have inherent gifts they still have to practice to cultivate their skills to bolster those gifts. Learn to create things not for the final product but for the enjoyment of the journey of creation. You might find that when you’re in the flow and enjoying the creative process, the best art is born.
Body Movement-
Incorporate some form of body movement daily or almost daily. Moving our bodies is how we can move and release stuck and stagnant energy from our energetic fields. Moving your body is another way to get out of your head and ground yourself.
During vigorous physical activity, your mind slows down to focus on the task at hand or the heavyweights. Endorphins rush your system after a workout sending happy chemicals to your brain making you feel accomplished and energized. Whichever form you choose or if you prefer to switch it up… get moving! Your body and brain will thank you.
Ground yourself to the roots of Mother Earth by consuming root veggies. Carrots, potatoes, beets, parsnips, radishes, etc. are veggies that plant roots in the soil to help themselves grow. Visualize yourself as a little root veggie and envision roots coming out of your feet and grounding you to the earth when you feel like you’re on shaky ground.
If you have a favourite crystal or stone, hold it in your hand to transfer energy when you need it. Obsidian, smokey quartz, hematite, red jasper, black tourmaline, tiger’s eye, onyx, and bloodstone are the stones ideal for grounding.
Root Chakra-
If you feel you need help grounding yourself, your root chakra might need some tending to. The root chakra is located at the base of your spine. It helps you feel grounded, safe, stable, and like your basic needs are met.
It’s no surprise that today people’s basic needs are not being met. This leads to many people with unbalanced root chakras. Check out our post here on chakras to learn how to balance your root as well as your other chakras.
Final Thoughts-
If modern day life has caused you to feel anxious and ungrounded don’t worry you’re not going crazy. Sure life is much more convenient but humans haven’t been built and primed for this new normal. While in the past we would pick berries, hunt, and then gather around a fire with our tribe fostering connections life has changed drastically.
We used to have to deal and work with what was in front of us, now we’re locked into the world’s events and tragedies, watching the effects of climate change, and a host of other messes right in front of our eyes.
While we watch what happens in the world in real time we are more lonely than ever before—no wonder we feel so ungrounded. While these techniques and exercises can’t guarantee to fix the world or fix your life, they can help you ground yourself so that you can experience your day in a more neutral state and better serve yourself and those around you. This way we can begin to be the changes we’d like to see in the world.
As always, wishing you peace & tranquility, xo.