We’ve heard about the Law of Attraction, manifesting your desires and being a conscious co-creator but what does that entail? Why does it seem like certain opportunities and luck strike certain people, while others stay stuck in the mud, never moving the needle? Below we’ll go over some simple yet effective methods to help you achieve your goals and dreams and help you feel like you’re in the driver’s seat of your life!
Nepotism –
Let’s get something clear, it’s a fact that some people are born 10 steps ahead of everyone else. In life, certain people have opportunities handed to them while others have to grapple with and continuously pursue their desires. Don’t let the fact that something came easier for someone else discourage you from living out your story. Everyone has their own path and their own struggles that help shape them.
While the Universe can help line up the right events for you, you’ll need to work so that you’re ready and prepared for when things do align. When there’s something you want to manifest, you and the Universe need to make it a collaborative effort.
Maybe you need to give up partying, screen time, or Netflix bingeing and focus on your craft, whatever your craft may be. Discipline isn’t always fun or easy but gets better with practice.
When you become disciplined within yourself and show the universe that you’re not playing around, the universe is more likely to throw you a bone when it sees that you’re deserving.
Give Yourself the Opportunity-
Sometimes opportunities will fall into your lap. However, other times you’ll need to step out of your comfort zone and into the world to make it happen.
When you physically put yourself into spaces where you can rub shoulders with the right people, the Universe can line synchronicities up for you and place the right people on your path.
Frequent the locations where you can make the right connections to propel your dreams. Miracles don’t always manifest from your bedroom but by putting yourself out there to be seen.
Show the Universe You’re Serious-
The Universe tends to lend you a helping hand when it sees you taking your desire to manifest your goals and dreams seriously. Let’s say you’re training to become a professional athlete but spend most of your weekends at the club. Why would the universe want to help you on your path if you’re not taking your vision seriously?
Let’s look at famous quarterback Tom Brady. He went 199th overall in the 2000 draft. He was just over 200 pounds and was looked at as nothing more than a potential backup. His insane work ethic and dedication to the sport, strict diet, and training schedule led him to become one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time.
Sure he had raw talent but without his consistent commitment to becoming the greatest, he never would have accomplished all he has. You too might feel like the underdog but when you take control of your daily habits to progress toward whatever you want to achieve, the universe will reward your perseverance.
Stay Positive-
Stay positive, but not too positive. What does that mean? When there’s something you want to manifest, it’s important to stay positive and trust that your vision is unfolding before your eyes. It’s also okay to know there might be roadblocks, redirections, and important lessons along the way.
Don’t let this discourage you but believe it’s all unfolding the way it needs to. When things don’t go according to plan, know that it’s for good reason and something better is on its way. You’ll want to stay as positive as possible without falling into the toxic positivity trap.
It’s ok and perfectly normal to feel upset when something you wanted to happen doesn’t pan out the way you hoped. Feel and process your feelings so you can heal, regroup, and continue.
Believe in Yourself-
No one is going to believe in you as much as you do. Even if you have doubts, remain your #1 cheerleader. Even on days you don’t feel as confident, fake it till you make it. Write positive affirmations about yourself and keep a gratitude journal of things you’re thankful for.
Keep your promises to yourself whether it’s getting up early to work on your book or making sure you don’t skip your workout even when you don’t feel like it. You have to believe in yourself like no other, even if it feels delusional. Eventually, you’ll reach a place where it’s not delusion because you believed in yourself, put in the work and made shit happen.
A huge reason some people stay stuck and some strike gold in life is because of their mindset. No matter where you came from or where you’re going, your mindset can move mountains.
If you believe you’re going to manifest and achieve amazing things then more often than not you’ll do what it takes to make it happen. If you don’t think you’ll amount to much then guess what, you won’t, because you won’t even bother to try. Sure, some people in life have it easier but are you going to use that as an excuse to stay where you are or use it as motivation to go where no one else has dared to go?
Keep it to Yourself-
If you’re sensitive to others’ opinions either consciously or subconsciously, when you have a big goal or dream, sometimes it’s best to keep it to yourself. As much as those around you can have good intentions and “just want the best for you” people can stifle your vision, make you doubt yourself, or become jealous and don’t want to see you reach that level of success.
Again, this isn’t true of everyone but when you have a high level of belief in yourself that can trigger insecurity in others. While they might not mean to, they can fill your head with doubts and project their fears onto you.
Although you might want to shout your goals from the rooftops, most of the time, keeping things to yourself is a much better option. Once your goals materialize people can see what you’ve been up to.
Learn from Failure-
Don’t let your failures discourage you or force you to quit. The majority of people who’ve accomplished their goals didn’t have a straight and easy path. It doesn’t work that way.
Failure has so much to teach you if you look at it as a lesson. Every person is going to fail a million times throughout their life. It matters how you bounce back and what you learned from that failure.
Be self-aware enough to know if you aren’t meant to do something versus having setbacks on the path meant for you. If you have big ideas for yourself, the universe put those ideas there for a reason because you’re the right person for them.
Vision Board-
To help motivate you, it helps to see exactly what you want to manifest in plain sight. Create a vision board of what your dream life looks like. If you don’t feel like doing arts and crafts you can simply use your phone to create a Pinterest if you don’t already have one.
Have a Pinterest board solely used to pin photos of your dream life or motivational quotes to get you there. If you want, set your phone or computer screen background as something that will push and motivate you. You might not feel motivated 100% of the time so giving yourself visual reminders of why you’re working so hard can help.
You need to believe in yourself and hold onto your dreams and goals. You also need to be open to the possibilities the Universe has in store for you. Your manifestations may not always come packaged in the way that you expected.
Don’t immediately turn things down that aren’t exactly what you’d had in mind. Our manifestations are often delivered in slightly different ways than we’d envisioned. Be open-minded and let the Universe show you the great things in store.
Let Go-
Needy, desperate energy is never attractive in any scenario. Manifestations tend to flow more easily when we hope for something but remain in the energy of detachment. Knowing that whatever is coming is on its way and if it isn’t, something even better is lined up.
When you have the energy of needing or wanting something so badly, it gives off the energy of lack and isn’t attractive to the Universe. Think about it, in a social setting, when someone is too desperate for your attention it can be a turn-off. Your eyes are more likely to dash to the person in the room who is cool, calm, and collected.
This same energy goes for the Universe. When you’re chillin because you know that things are working out as they’re supposed to and you aren’t stressed about when your manifestations are coming, they’ll likely come to you faster.
Final Thoughts-
When aiming to manifest something, you and the Universe need to learn how to dance together. By showing the Universe that you’re serious, practicing discipline, staying positive, and putting yourself in the places you need to be, you’re putting in the work and saying “I deserve this”.
By keeping things to yourself you can steer clear of naysayers. Use your failures as a lesson because everyone will fail at some point, as long as you learn from your mistakes. Create a physical or digital vision board to get daily visual reminders of where you’re headed.
Be open to the different ways your dreams can manifest. It might be in a completely different form than you originally thought. Finally, learn the balance of wanting something with an easygoing, non-desperate energy.
By practicing these steps when you want to manifest, you’ll show the Universe that you’re ready, willing, and prepared for the amazing things life has in store. Comment below to tell us what amazing manifestations have occurred for you by practicing these steps.