Do you have wishes and desires you want to bring to fruition? Luckily for you, manifestation is a way to get those dreams you have in your head into your physical reality. Manifestation might seem like a woo-woo concept but there’s more to it than only wishful thinking. While that’s the first step, manifesting your desires takes conscious effort to bring them to reality.
Similar to your physical fitness, you can’t expect to go to the gym for one day and see immediate results. Manifestation will take persistent effort and consistency. It’s not something you one day achieve and you’re done, it’s something you’ll have to maintain forever.
Manifesting is designed for YOU and your life. Manifesting a relationship with a specific person shouldn’t be the goal, focus on manifesting for yourself. Manifest self-love and become the best version of yourself. That way you can manifest someone, things, or events that are vibrationally aligned with you.
Here we’ll review the top manifestation techniques to help you realize the things you want in life are within reach. You might think that manifesting isn’t real and that simply wanting something won’t change anything about your life. There’s some truth to that, wanting something alone might not change anything unless you’re really lucky but getting clear about your desires can help you take the action required to reach those dreams. Keep reading for the 13 top manifestation techniques to upgrade your life!
1. 3-6-9 Method-
This is one of the most popular manifestation techniques that includes writing down your affirmation 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, and 9 times in the evening. Repeat this step as necessary for a month. This method isn’t just putting it out there into the universe but imprinting it into your psyche. This way it remains top of mind and you can consistently take the steps necessary or break the bad habits necessary to get closer to said affirmation.
2. 555 Method-
Similar to the above technique the 555 method includes writing down your manifestation 55 times a day. Use a pen and piece of paper or say it out loud. Repeat this step for 5 days in a row. If you skip a day you must start over from scratch.
3. 777 Method-
Write down your chosen affirmation 7 times in the morning, and 7 times at night for 7 days in a row. Again, if you skip a day, start over from the beginning. You can do these methods with any of your favourite angel numbers and adjust accordingly.
4. Be Delusional-
It’s true with manifestation you’ll need to be slightly delusional. Many people who make it big in life against all odds had to be delusional to keep at it when no one else believed in them. Have a slight air of delusion when you dream up your wants and wishes. Even if it seems slightly out of reach at the time know that you’re powerful and if you put your mind to something it’s totally possible. Since you’re probably slightly delusional anyway, this should be easy.
5. In Your Head-
In the book Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, she explains how ideas are put into your head because you’re the perfect vessel to bring them to fruition. If you don’t then eventually it’ll float off to someone else who will bring it to life. Know that if you have a big goal or dream then it was placed in your head because you’re the right person for the job. If you choose not to for whatever reason then someone else will. If you have a cool business idea think of it as a blessing from the universe that you were meant to bring it to life.
6. Pivoting-
When manifesting it’s said to keep your vibrations and spirits high so that you can attract more positive things. Unfortunately, life is going to do its thing, and you won’t always be in bright spirits. While turning around a negative attitude into a positive attitude might be too big of a jump, a more realistic approach is to pivot and go from a negative attitude to a neutral attitude.
If you’re stuck in traffic and you think “I hate this I feel so trapped in this car” Instead say “I love it when the traffic lanes move smoothly and everyone moves at an appropriate pace”. That’s more realistic to get yourself to a neutral standpoint. Once you’re in neutral it’s easier to climb to a positive statement.
7. Self-Care-
It’s a fact that when you take good care of yourself you’ll feel better. When you feel better your vibration will be higher and your mindset will be more positive. Things like getting in nature, exercising several times a week, going to therapy, having a creative outlet, meditating, journaling, etc will make you feel better.
Maybe you don’t have time to do everything all at once but pick a couple of self-care activities to do regularly. Even exercising for 10, 20, or 30 minutes and meditating for 10 minutes is great if it’s all you have time for. Aim to do a little bit of something instead of nothing at all.
8. Scripting-
Scripting is a powerful manifestation method where you write a letter using the present tense as if your manifestation has already happened. Send gratitude to the Universe and go into detail about everything you wanted to happen, how it happened, and how you feel now that it has occurred in your reality.
This practice activates the law of assumption and works with the law of attraction because not only are you wanting something but also assuming that it is true. This method sends that energy into the Universe that your desires are energetically alive.
9. Mirror Method-
The mirror method is a way to supercharge your manifestation. Get in front of a mirror and look deep into your eyes. Say your affirmation of choice and repeat it 10 times. This helps you connect with your inner being and believe in what you are saying. Looking into your eyes when saying your affirmation helps you to hold yourself accountable for taking the necessary steps to help bring your goals to life. Repeat this process for 30 days to solidify.
10. Reverse Memory-
When we think about things we’d like to manifest we think about how things might turn out in the future or how we’d like them to play out. Flip the script when thinking about your manifestations. Envision how you’d like things to play out as a memory like you’re looking fondly back in time. This is one of the manifestation techniques that trick your brain into believing this has already happened.
11. Glimmers-
Life isn’t always easy and you can easily slip into negative thought patterns. The word trigger is a recent buzzword for when your body goes into a fight or flight mode and can send you into a spiral. The opposite of this is glimmers.
While constantly checking the news or social media can trigger you, aim to spend your days searching for glimmers. Your morning coffee, sunset walks, and a smile from a stranger are all little glimmers that bring you moments of peace and joy. This is one of the manifestation techniques that helps your body relax into its parasympathetic state. Spend 1 week jotting down at least 1 glimmer you had that day. Complete this process weekly looking for as many glimmers as you can find.
12. Vision Board-
If you’re a visual learner, it’ll help you to physically see your wishes and make a vision board. This can be in the form of cutting out pictures and gluing them on a board or saving things to your Pinterest board. If you wish to travel the world get a map and pinpoint the places you dream of going. A vision board can take several forms. Find one that speaks to you.
13. Detachment-
An important component and perhaps the toughest part is detachment. Desperation is never an attractive energy, not to people and not to the Universe. Aim for want what you want but be open to interpretation.
Be flexible with your manifestations. What you think you want might come in a different package or might be what you need as opposed to what you thought you wanted. Hold your desires but don’t be so attached to them that it causes you stress and anxiety.
Final Thoughts-
While your manifestations might not technically be alive in the physical present, they can still be alive energetically while the right events line up perfectly to bring your dreams to life. Just like physical activity, manifestation is a practice, not a one-off. Test out what methods work for you and what you like best. Switch up your manifestation routines now and again so they don’t get stale. Manifesting regularly can keep your goals and visions top of mind.
Keep in mind to watch out for eclipses or full moons. Not every day in the Universe is an ideal time to manifest. When the energy is chaotic in the stars you could potentially manifest chaos. The ideas listed above are just some ways that you can use to bring your manifestations to life. Hopefully, these manifestation techniques can help to align your mind, body, and spirit so that you can live the life of your dreams.
As always wishing you peace & tranquility, xo.