What Are Angel Numbers?-
Angel numbers are comprised of triple or quadruple repeating numbers in a sequence. They’re said to be a subtle nudge from the universe with a little secret message for you to interpret. They can help you gain clarity and steer you in the direction most aligned for you. You just have to be willing to pay attention to the signs.
When was the last time you looked and saw the license plate in front of you say 444, saw the receipt from the coffee shop say $7.77, or looked up at the clock to see 11:11 and made a wish?
Where to find angel numbers:
-License plates
-Phone numbers
-Pages in a book
-Song’s running time
Angel numbers come to us in many different forms and are equally valid. You might see different angel numbers throughout the day. If you’re struggling to find an answer to something you could see the same angel number enough times over the course of a day or week that there’s no way it’s a coincidence.
Where Do Angel Numbers Come From?
Angel numbers can come from angels, spirit guides, your ancestors, your higher consciousness, God, or your higher power. Think of having your own personal spirit team who loves you and wants the absolute best for you. They work together to communicate with you and assist you with whatever life is currently throwing at you. These angel numbers will be more focused on current situations as opposed to things from the past.
Angel Numbers or Confirmation Bias?-
You might notice that as soon as you learn about angel numbers they magically appear more than ever before. Is it confirmation bias or coincidence? Many people who are steeped in spirituality believe there’s no such thing as coincidences. Everything is in our path for a purpose or a lesson.
You might’ve always had angel numbers crossing your path but if you weren’t paying attention, why would your angels put in effort showing you signs that you aren’t going to read? Now that you’ve raised your awareness they can send you the messages you need to see.
Pay Attention To Your Thoughts-
Even if you aren’t fully convinced in the magic of angel numbers it’s a good trick for noticing how your mind is typically operating and if your thoughts tend to skew positive or negative. Anytime you see an angel number, quickly trace back to what you were thinking about just prior. How does that correlate to the number you saw?
If you see 11:11 which is ideal for manifesting but you’re thinking about the things you don’t have or haven’t achieved yet, take a moment to think of three things you’re grateful for or anything you’ve accomplished that you didn’t think you could do at first.
Maybe you see 444 several times if you’ve let your exercise and healthy habits fall to the wayside. Seeing repeating 4’s could remind you that to feel more grounded and stable those habits are important to incorporate for your physical, mental, and overall well-being.
Whenever you see an angel number if you notice you’re thinking negative thoughts it could be a nudge from your angels to work on your mental health so that you can have better thoughts and feel better throughout the day.
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Angels Are With You-
Angel numbers are a gentle reminder that even in times of loneliness you’re never really alone. Your angels are always with you and willing to help if you’re open and willing to receive their guidance.
With any spiritual practice, it’s important to cultivate a personal relationship with your angels instead of strictly following this list. If a certain number has a different meaning to you than what’s listed, trust your intuition and go with what feels most authentic to your spiritual journey.
Here at the very beginning, we have zero. Zero foreshadows that something new may be on the horizon. It is a good time to brainstorm and get clear on your values and interests. This way if opportunities or ideas present themselves in the near future you’ll know which action is or isn’t aligned with you.
If you see 1’s this is a good sign from your angels that new beginnings are about to take place. If you have goals you’d like to bring to fruition, use this as a sign to go ahead and make it happen. This is the number for manifestations so aim to keep your thoughts and vibration high to call your dreams into reality.
Having a human experience can make it hard to trust the process of life. You may wonder if things are working out as they’re supposed to. Use 2’s as a sign from your angels that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be at the right time. Things are working out for your greater good even if it doesn’t seem that way in the moment.
3’s are a sign of creativity and self-expression. Where in your life can your artistic talents bring joy to yourself and others? Even if you aren’t an artistic person maybe you need to lean on creativity to problem-solve in your life. What area do you need to think about things differently to bring in more harmony?
Seeing 4’s in a sequence is a message to ground yourself. Look at your daily habits and routines. Are you buzzing through your day in a frantic state—completely disconnected from your intuition? Ground yourself through meditation, earthing, and exercise so that you remain connected to your higher self’s wisdom.
Seeing repeating 5’s is a sign that changes are about to unfold. Change can be intimidating but it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Change is inevitable like the changing of seasons every year. It’s also how you grow. Use this sign as a reminder to learn how to become better at accepting that the only constant is change.
Don’t be afraid when you see multiple 6’s. This number has been associated with the devil and makes many uncomfortable but your angels would not send you negativity. Seeing 6s is a sign that shows up when you need to be kind to yourself and practice more self-love. If you’ve been grinding and burning yourself out remember that self-care is just as important as the hustle.
Lucky number 7 is a nudge from the universe to lean into your spiritual practice. This is how you can receive the guidance and wisdom that your spiritual team is trying to convey. Do the energy work required to keep your connection with your angels so that you can help them help you.
Triple or quadruple 8s are a sign of abundance and prosperity. It could signify that your hard work is about to pay off. It could also mean that you need to look at your finances to see what is or isn’t working. Can budgeting and saving money in the short term assist you in achieving your long-term financial goals? Look at your current situation and the steps you can take now to get where you’d like to go. 8 is a symbol of infinity and is a reminder to remain in flow.
9’s represents an ending. You might’ve completed a course and are now ready to enter the workforce, a relationship may have run its course, or you’re prepared to enter a new phase in your life. Tie up any loose ends so that you can leave this chapter behind and step into a new one.
Final Thoughts-
Your angels and spiritual team are always looking out for you and finding ways to nudge you in the right direction. They send you signs to let you know that they’re always with you. You just need to stay open and receive them.
Don’t brush off these instances as coincidences, fully embrace that they are sent from your guides to give you guidance in life. Pay attention and write down the angel numbers you receive the most. Also, pay attention to your thoughts at the moment you notice angel numbers to see if you recognize any patterns in your thinking and the numbers that you come across.
When you accept and decipher these signs, your angels will send you more. Don’t be hesitant to ask for their help whenever you have a problem or need guidance. They are there to help you. Hopefully, this post help you to propel your spiritual journey forward.