Why Perform A Cacao Ceremony?-
Life is tough and has a way of hardening your heart’s exterior as a way to protect yourself. While that can be beneficial to a certain degree, being too closed off or hardened hurts you in the long run. Cacao is known to open up your heart chakra to let love pour in and out. It’s said to make you feel like you’re receiving a warm hug from your loved ones.
When you see the smile of an innocent, brand-new baby, they have nothing but pure love in their hearts. As time passes and they experience betrayal, hurt, and unkindness their heart begins to close as a measure of protection.
This can be good in small doses to keep weary of those who might not have the best intentions. However, at the same time, it can close out anyone and everyone.
While this closure aims to keep us safe it also hurts us simultaneously. Your heart chakra located in the middle of your chest and glowing a deep green colour can begin to form blocks around it and close you off to love and genuine connections out of fear.
Participating in a cacao ceremony can help you break down the walls surrounding your heart to let in and give out more love than you can imagine. Here we’ll go over how to perform a cacao ceremony to open your heart to give and receive more love and compassion.
Chocolate has for ages been associated with love, Valentine’s Day, and the heart. This history goes back much farther than heart-shaped chocolate boxes and hallmark cards.
Cacao was initially discovered by the Olmecs — a Mesoamerican civilization located in the modern-day Tobasco/Veracruz area of Mexico around 1500 B.C. It was later used by the Mayans and Aztecs. Cacao back in these days had several uses. It was viewed as a gift from the gods and was used as a form of currency.
The elites also used it in their celebrations, meetings, and sacrificial rituals. It was typically reserved solely for men. It is strongly associated with blood and the heart. Cacao is viewed as the feminine energy while tobacco is viewed as the masculine energy. Feminine energy is great for getting in touch with your heart and emotions.
How it’s Made-
Cacao beans are the seeds that come from the pods of the cacao tree which produces all of the world’s chocolate. In its purest form, the beans from the cacao pod in Mexico and South America are ground down into a paste and then hot water is added in to make a liquid drink.
Ceremonial Grade-
Cacao and chocolate as we know them today are two very different products. Cacao is kept in its purest form without being processed. This keeps the fats intact and will give you the most mood and health benefits.
Most chocolate today is heavily processed and flavoured with additional preservatives and sweeteners which takes away from its ceremonial qualities. While you might expect a hot chocolate-esque drink, pure cacao is unsweetened and has an earthy flavour.
Some sellers or shamans add spices or sweeteners like honey to the product afterward or choose to leave it plain and pure. To perform a cacao ceremony you can’t use just any form of chocolate it must be ceremonial-grade cacao.
It’s also encouraged to purchase from sources that have cultural ties to the product as many times spiritual products can become commodified and profited from those who hold no cultural ties to the product a la white sage.
Cacao Effects-
Sometimes you want an energy boost without the overstimulating effects of caffeine. Caffeine and cacao can both be classified as stimulants, although they produce different effects on the body.
The after-effects of Caffeine can give its users a jittery buzz while Theobromine the active ingredient in cacao gives consumers a smoother and more relaxed stimulating feeling. Compared to blueberries, raw cacao has over 40 times the antioxidant levels which helps your body fight off free radicals. Drinking cacao can reduce blood pressure and increase blood flow to the heart.
An important note is dosage. Pure cacao is potent and can cause nausea, headaches, and dizziness if consumed in too large a dose. For your first time go for a lower dose than suggested to see how your body reacts. Do not consume cacao with alcohol or any other mind-altering substances.
Group Setting or Solo?-
Cacao ceremonies can be done in a group setting or solo. A group setting can multiply the collective energy force. An experienced shaman or guide should lead a cacao ceremony. After the consumption of the cacao drink everyone is encouraged to sing, dance, or converse to excavate their stagnant and blocked energy.
If that’s too much for you feel free to participate in your own private cacao ceremony. Even if you aren’t an experienced shaman as long as you remain respectful and take the process seriously and with reverence.
Performing Your Ritual-
Keep in mind these are recommended ideas. You can do some or all of these if you wish. The great thing about your cacao ceremony is that it’s yours. Do what feels good and right for you while always respecting the cacao.
Do this ceremony on a day that you don’t have somewhere to be or something to do after. In case you have any intense physical or emotional reactions to the cacao, give yourself ample time to process.
Performing any type of ceremony should always be done in a clean space. Spend some time before tidying up your space so that your conscious and subconscious are not distracted.
Keeping a clean space also shows respect for the ritual. You can use this time to think about the intentions you wish to set going into this ceremony. Cleaning your space can also include smudging to purify and cleanse the energy in your space before you begin.
Set Intentions-
Go into a cacao ceremony knowing what you want to accomplish and get out of it. Do you need to practice forgiveness? Need to work on your self-love? Do you need to open up your heart chakra?
While yes, ceremonial cacao can help with all of these areas it’s good to have a specific intention set that you can focus on. You can always do this ceremony again and focus on another area that needs attention.
Do some light stretching or yoga to release pent-up tension in your body. By doing this any stuck or stagnant energy that you’re holding onto can more easily be released during the ceremony.
This can be a short 5-minute stretch or a longer 20-minute stretch. The choice is yours. Focus on all areas of your body from your neck, back, arms, glutes, legs, etc. Be sure to include some heart-opening stretches as well like cobra pose to prepare your heart to open.
Meditating can be done before, during, and after a cacao ceremony. By quieting your mind you can more easily listen to what messages the cacao spirit is trying to tell you. If there are things you need clarity on or are unsure of what direction to take in life, cacao can help guide you in the right direction if you’re willing and open to listening.
Do what feels good to you in this moment. Since the cacao is energizing, you may want to get up and move. Even if you aren’t a trained dancer there’s something very healing about dancing alone like no one is watching (which they shouldn’t be).
Even if it seems silly this helps to clear out stagnant energy and move it through your body to clear up your auric field. Sing if singing feels good to you even if you’re tone def. (Maybe perform this ritual when you have alone time so you can let loose).
You can do journaling before, during, and after your cacao ceremony or all three. Journal how you feel prior, your intentions, and what you hope to gain from the experience.
You can free write whatever comes to mind during your ceremony and you can conclude afterward with some final thoughts of how you feel after and how you believe it benefitted you and what lessons you can take with you going forward. You can do one option or all three. This journey is incredibly personal to you so do what makes sense.
Final Thoughts-
Cacao is a sacred and spiritual plant that’s been in use for thousands of years. It was first discovered by the Olmecs 1500 years ago and was seen as a gift from the gods. The Olmecs, Aztecs, and Mayans used it as a form of currency, in rituals and spiritual ceremonies.
Cacao, as we know it today, is heavily processed and filled with additives that while tasty diminish its otherworldly qualities. If you’re interested in facilitating your own cacao ceremony ensure that your cacao is consumed in its raw and natural state.
As with most things in the spirituality/wellness space, cultural appropriation and commodification run rampant. Source your cacao from local vendors where the cacao is sourced and packaged with the purest of intentions.
Perform your own personalized cacao ceremony by beginning with a clear space. Set your intentions before drinking so you know what you’re looking to get out of the experience. Stretch your body to release energy and open your heart. Meditate to quiet your mind to hear what the cacao spirit is trying to tell you. Dance to release any blocks or stagnant energy in your body and journal to gain more insights.
Hopefully, by performing your own cacao ceremony you can open your heart, release blocks, and give and receive more love and compassion than you thought possible.
As always, wishing you peace & tranquility, xo.