When you think of the words divine feminine, what comes to mind? Is it Aphrodite the Greek Goddess, Venus the Roman Goddess, or Devi the Hindu Goddess? Good news — anyone can stand in their divine feminine power regardless of who you are. Today we’ll go over some ways to foster a deeper connection to the energy of femininity.
Connecting deeper into your divine feminine isn’t necessarily associated with gender. It’s about being in a receptive energy and a state of flow. Being still instead of constantly trying to make things happen. We all have a combination of masculine and feminine energy but many of us tend to lean into one more than the other.
With a steady rise in the cost of living and capitalism not going anywhere, we’ve had to girlboss and grind our way through life. Our delicate balance of feminine and masculine energies can begin to tip over. Do you ever feel guilty for relaxing because what good are you if you’re not being productive at all times?
A lot of us have lost touch with our divine feminine nature due to all that we feel compelled to do. Letting ourselves sit and merely exist without judgment is becoming harder. Listed below are just a few important qualities that the divine feminine demonstrates.
Divine Feminine Qualities:
The divine feminine exudes confidence. There are no comparisons to others since one person’s beauty or achievements don’t detract from the feminine’s own. Being divinely feminine means that no matter the current beauty standards or ever-changing trends, you understand what makes you unique and beautiful and are comfortable in your skin, flaws, and all.
You might want/need to put on a display of a tough exterior. This is especially true if you’re a woman in a male-dominated field. But we forget that there’s also strength in demonstrating softness. Softening means treating people with kindness, compassion, and understanding that everyone has their own deep and personal backstory.
Softening yourself from time to time can greatly benefit yourself and those around you. Of course, there are certain situations where it’s probably wise to push your softness to the side. In which situations are you able to safely bring your softness out?
The divine feminine shows kindness and is non-judgmental due to a healthy dose of empathy. Empathy is when you can put yourself in someone else’s shoes and feel how they might feel in certain situations. You’re able to remain non-judgemental about how they might act out because you never know how yourself or others would act if you were in their position.
When you have a strong sense of empathy you’re able to see past the actions of others and get to the heart of it. Hurt people often hurt other people. You know that everyone is fighting their own internal battle and you can step back and not take things personally.
The divine feminine has a strong sense of intuition. While masculine types will try to base decisions on facts and logic, the feminine will go deep within and attune to their gut feelings and inner wisdom. You should typically use a combination of both methods when making decisions.
How many times have you ignored your inner gut feeling about something or someone only to regret it later? If you don’t trust yourself, you’ll have more difficulty trusting your intuition.
Practice keeping your promises to yourself. If you tell yourself you’re going to do something then do it. This builds trust with yourself and you’ll have an easier time learning to trust your inner voice.
How To Connect:
Mother Nature-
Nature is divinely feminine. Nature doesn’t force the seasons to change or a storm to come or go. It just happens. Mother Nature accepts the weather as it is without trying to change it and she does it gracefully.
Although you might live in a major city and drive a car, spending time in nature can help you connect back to your roots and ground you into your natural state of wholeness.
By tapping into your creative power, you connect to the energy of the flow. Even if you don’t consider yourself an artist, have a paint night, draw, embroider, sculpt, craft, do pottery, or whatever you feel called to do.
Don’t aim for your artistic project to come out or look a certain way. Create simply for the joy of creating and let the energy flow through you. Or get lost in a paint-by-numbers project.
Learn to get comfortable excavating your inner feelings to access your divine feminine power. A great way to do this is through a daily or regular journaling practice. Do a morning page’s ‘brain dump’ when you first wake up to sift through your random thoughts and feelings.
Don’t judge them as they come up but accept them for what they are. Julia Cameron’s book ‘The Artist’s Way’ suggests a morning pages ritual where you write three longhand, freeform, full pages with no spaces. If you’re not up for that task, do a quick mini-brain dump if it’s all you have time for.
Meditating is a great way to quiet your noisy and chatty mind so that you can listen to what your inner wisdom and guidance are trying to tell you. Spend 5-20 minutes or however much time makes sense for you, a day in meditation. Test out and find ways that speak to you so that you can consistently stick to the practice. Try silent, guided, chanting, or sound bath-style meditations.
Learn how to listen to your inner wisdom. Not what your mind is going on tangents about but what your body and gut are trying to tell you? How do you decipher between anxiety and intuition? They say that anxiety screams, while intuition is neutral.
Move Your Body-
The divine feminine knows that while the soul is separate from the physical body, it’s still a vessel for which to carry on through this life. Treat your body like a goddess and the temple that it is. Eat healthy and nourishing foods, drink plenty of water, limit alcohol consumption, sleep well, and move your body daily.
Whether it’s yoga, boxing, pilates, running, HIIT workouts, or weightlifting, find a workout or a combo of workouts to do regularly. There’s no shortage of different styles of body movement so test things out until you find something you love and want to stick to regularly. The more you take care of your body, the easier time it will have taking care of you.
The masculine archetype is obsessed with the need for control. Controlling outcomes, people, themselves, etc. The divine feminine can let go of control and give in to surrender. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ever have a plan or forgo responsibilities. Learn to let go of the need to have specific outcomes.
Welcome outcomes that are for the highest good of all involved. How many times have you held on tightly to a certain outcome only to be disappointed? Later you’ve come to find out that the disappointment in one thing not working out, led to a better opportunity in the future.
The divine feminine knows how to stay in the energy of flow and trust that the universe is lining up the best possible scenario for you. Even if it doesn’t come in the way you had initially hoped for or expected.
The divine feminine knows that self-care isn’t selfish and is necessary. You can’t pour from an empty cup. The traditional archetype of womanhood in the past has assumed that to be a good woman/mother/wife you put everyone’s needs above your own. At a certain point, you’ll have nothing left to give.
When you learn how to take time for yourself and practice self-love and self-care you’ll be able to give and take care of others from a more genuine, loving, and authentic place rather than building up resentment. Maybe this looks like asking for help, delegating tasks, or practicing boundaries and not saying yes to everything so that you can free up time for yourself.
In Touch With Your Senses-
Connect with your divine feminine by getting in touch with all of your senses. Go out of your way to indulge in things that feel nice to you. Find cozy and soft fabrics for your clothing and blankets. Use essential oils or make stovetop simmers to fill your home with scents that appeal to you.
Cook yourself and/or your loved ones an amazing meal. Listen to music that speaks to your soul. Spend time outside, and feel the earth beneath your feet. Find small pleasures throughout your day by indulging all of your available senses.
Final Thoughts-
The divine feminine lives inside all of us. Although, in today’s society, many try to suppress and squash these qualities. While different from the masculine qualities that might propel you further in our capitalistic society, the feminine is equally important in keeping ourselves and our world balanced. You can’t have one without the other.
The divine feminine is soft yet strong, intuitive and receptive, creative, in flow, empathetic and sensual. By taking excellent care of yourself, letting go of control, and connecting to your body, mind, and spirit by ways of meditating, moving your body, creating, journaling, and spending more time in nature, you can deeply connect to your inner divine feminine, no matter how deep she may have been buried.
Test these methods for yourself and comment below on how you plan on connecting to your divine feminine.