Trusting the universe might seem like an abstract concept at first. It’s certainly not easy and is more of a practiced skill to cultivate rather than a given. It’s no secret that life is tough, especially today.
Sometimes, when you begin to lose faith in humanity or even yourself that little glimmer of hope in something bigger than you is what keeps you pushing forward.
Although trusting the Universe isn’t easy and might take a bit of time it’s worth it. When you throw your hands in the air and surrender, it’s nice to think that you’ll be thrown a parachute for a soft landing.
While this post will be using a universal term with “ The Universe” feel free to swap out any other name that’s more fitting to you. Whatever spiritual or religious beliefs you hold can be applied to this. You can use whoever or whatever makes sense for your spiritual journey.
Today we’ll go over some tips on how to begin your journey with trusting the universe. Feel freer and safer knowing that a power greater than you has your back and wants you to succeed.
Humans vs Spirit-
Trust is tough living in the human world. People commit horrible crimes and we see it all play out on our phones. Today we see wars, genocides, and inhumanity in real time. We see people not loving their neighbours as themselves. Unfortunately and fortunately, the human world and spiritual world operate much differently.
Pure positive energetic beings want nothing more than for you to feel loved, and happy and succeed in accomplishing your dreams. However, the human world is challenging and forces our souls to learn certain lessons that we wouldn’t learn if everything was easy. Failure teaches us to get back up and find our resilience.
Divine Timing-
We humans can get super caught up in our wants and desires and need them to appear instantly. While it might be annoying, trust that everything in your life is happening in divine timing.
If you want a certain job, promotion, relationship, etc and it hasn’t come right away, look back on all of the times you didn’t get what you wanted right away. Either you weren’t ready at that time or something even better was being lined up for you.
How many times have you wanted someone to like you and been crushed if they didn’t feel the same way? Only to thank your lucky stars later that it never panned out the way you’d hoped at the time. Write down instances where you didn’t get what you desired, only to have something or someone better come along.
Make a list of all the things you wanted at one point. Reflect while you look back and assess if you would’ve been mentally, emotionally, physically, or even financially ready for whatever responsibility that would’ve brought on at that time.
Even if it doesn’t seem that way at the moment, the universe typically has your back more than you know. By not getting your way the universe is truly looking out for you and watching out for your best interest.
Dream Team-
Remember that even though the universe might be pulling strings for your dreams and desires to come true, you still have to put in the work to make it happen. Think of it more like a team effort rather than having everything sorted out for you.
If you want a successful business, the universe might put people or opportunities in your path that can help you. However, you’ll still need to put in work to make the business something that other people will believe in. It’s a full collaboration.
When the universe sees you giving something your full effort, it’ll want to help you and throw you a bone. If you’re not putting in the time and effort, the universe will probably take it as a sign that you’re not ready for the challenge of success. Contrary to popular belief, many people think that if you work hard at something and gain a little bit of success then things become easy.
While you might be able to hire more help, things can become even tougher once you hit success because the pressure to continue the success will be even greater.
The universe will often want to know that you can handle that before you make it big. Think of musical artists who release a record-breaking first album only to be crippled by the anxiety of never producing anything that could top it. Working your way up in life is tough but no one talks about how success also has its obstacles.
When waiting for your desires to come, get into the habit of practicing gratitude. Think of things you’re grateful for in your head, and write them in a gratitude journal or your notes app. It doesn’t matter where they go just as long as you feel the feelings of gratitude.
No matter how big or how small, thank the universe for around 5-10 things you’re grateful for every day. Warm bed sheets, morning coffee, your family, pets, your health, or anything else that your heart is feeling that day.
Act as If-
While you patiently wait for the universe to help you on your journey, practice acting as if. If you want to manifest the house, car, or career of your dreams, put yourself in line with that energy. If you want a brand new car but treat your current car like garbage why would the universe want to give you something new if you don’t take care of the old? Keep your old car clean, and tidy, and treat it like it’s the brand-new luxury car of your dreams.
If you want a newer house or apartment how do you treat your current home? Do you fill it with junk and clutter and leave it a mess every day? Why would the Universe give you something nicer if you don’t take care of your current home?
If you want to manifest a relationship, how do you take care of yourself? Do you fuel your body with healthy food, exercise to feel strong and healthy, and practice taking care of your mental health? Do you find ways to practice self-love and self-care regularly?
If you hold yourself to a higher standard and put yourself on a pedestal without needing someone else to do it for you, you’ll have a better chance of attracting someone who reveres you. When they see how well you treat yourself, they’ll want to step up to the plate and do the same.
Final Thoughts-
So, you’ve decided to take on the journey of learning how to trust the universe. Remember that the universe operates at a completely different and higher energetic plane than humans. It wants the best for us and doesn’t have any sneaky intentions about it.
Although things might not happen exactly the way or at the time that we’d like, it’s usually in our best interests at the end of the day. Think of you and the universe as a dream team that can move mountains when you learn to trust one another.
Even if you’re not granted something that you want, deep down you might not be ready for it yet. Or something even better might be getting queued up for you in the wings.
Practice daily gratitude to remember the positive things in your life that the Universe has already blessed you with. When we focus on the positive it can be easier to manifest more positive things into our lives.
I know that can be tough when the world feels like it’s ending but that’s why these things take practice. Practice acting as if your desires have already arrived to get into the feeling and essence of the things that you desire to boost your manifesting power.
In conclusion, the Universe has your back and wants you to succeed and for all of your wishes to come true. Even though the path to get there might be rough, twisted, long, and challenging, it’s preparing you and getting you ready for whatever lies ahead. The Universe will work in tandem with you when you let down your walls and trust that you’re being guided in the right direction. Hopefully, you can use this advice to begin your journey of trusting the Universe.
As always, wishing you peace & tranquility, xo.