We look up at the moon every night as it brightens the sky. We know that it’s there, we know it holds power and we know that it runs through cycles. Fun fact, there are over 200 moons in our solar system, with Saturn having 82 moons orbiting its planet. The Earth only has one, but how can we harness its power to benefit from its lunar energy?
Similar to those that menstruate, the moon runs through a 29-day cycle. It starts with the new moon, moves onto the waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, waning crescent, and then back to the new moon and repeat.
Each phase of the moon cycle represents something different. New moons are typically great for calling things in, while full moons are perfect for letting things go. If you’re looking to start something new or manifest your dreams and desires, the new moon is the preferred time. When you’re trying to release and let go, the full moon is the ideal time.
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Manifesting with the Moon-
Farmers for centuries have used the almanac calendar to track the moon cycles to decipher when’s the best time to seed and sow their crops. Utilize the moon to interpret the best time to seed and to sow events, projects, and manifestations into your life.
Below we’ll go over how to sculpt the perfect new moon ritual to harvest your wishes, goals, and desires to manifest into your reality. Keep reading for a new moon ritual you’ll get excited about every month.
No ritual or energy work should be done without a bit of prep work beforehand. It is recommended to do this when you have time to relax, prep, and enjoy without feeling rushed or hurried. You can do this at any time of day but it’s suggested at night when the moon is out.
Clean and Clear-
Start by tidying whatever space you’ll be doing your new moon ritual in. Make your bed, put everything in its place, and don’t leave garbage or wrappers lying around. You don’t have to do a deep clean by any means but make sure everything is relatively clean and tidy.
It pays respect to the ritual and creates a more calm environment. If you have, cleanse yourself and your home with an energy-cleansing smoke to clear out any stagnant energy. Do this while repeating an affirmation of your choice.
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Moon Mood-
Set the mood in your space by lighting candles, plugging in a diffuser, sparking up incense, putting on some soft, soothing music, and gathering your supplies.
Grab some of your favourite crystals if you have them. Some recommendations are moonstone, clear quartz, smokey quartz, citrine, and peacock ore. Remember, this ritual is completely personal, add or omit whatever you’d like.
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Take an epsom salt bath, do 10-20 minutes of stretching, do a facial massage, or find a new moon meditation. Do 1, 2, or all 4 of these things depending on your time frame and mood. Get into a calm and clear head space in whichever way suits you best.
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If you have, search for a tarot spread specifically for the new moon. Find one that correlates with the astrological sign that the moon is currently in. For example, on Pinterest look up “new moon in Scorpio spread”. If none of them call to you, make your own spread with 5-8 cards.
Ask questions that relate to the new moon’s energy like, “What actions can I take to manifest my desires,” “How can I be open to changes that occur this month,” “How can I trust myself more to take the leap of faith that I need, etc.”
Write down the questions and cards you pull in your notebook so that you can come back next new moon and see if you’ve received clarity on any confusing cards or messages. Remember when you’re working with energies other than your own, be in a clear headspace, don’t be under the influence, and picture a ball of white light surrounding you.
Spend some time pouring your heart out onto the page. Spill your thoughts, ideas, goals, how you’re feeling, emotions to process, where you need to give yourself compassion, etc. After you’ve done a brain dump, list out three things you wish to call in this new moon and your intention behind it.
List out the actions you must take to manifest your goals and dreams into reality. Think about them for a bit and then choose the one that resonates the most and is the most realistic and attainable for that month.
Write that goal down on a fresh piece of paper along with its intention and jot down how you can take steps to accomplish that goal. Maybe it’s a fitness goal, a creative project, or your emotional wellness. They say, when you write down your goals, you are 42% more likely to achieve them.
Put that piece of paper somewhere you can see it every day to remind yourself what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, and how you’ll accomplish it. Without a why, our goals can become meaningless.
Make sure it aligns with your true self and not what someone else wants for you, or what you think you want to make others happy. Stay in authentic alignment with yourself.
Create a vision board to get clear about your desires. If you want, cut and paste magazine photos onto a board, paint or draw a picture of your dreams, or simply pin things that you want on Pinterest.
Get creative, write a story about how your goals and desires will come to be or whichever way your creativity calls to you.
Final Thoughts-
End the ritual by taking a moment to practice gratitude. Send thanks to the moon and write down 5 things you’re grateful for. Take a few more minutes to meditate and reflect on the new moon ritual you just engaged in.
The new moon is the perfect time to bring forth new ideas and begin new projects while the full moon is perfect for releasing and letting go. Applying for your dream job, starting a new hobby, going on a first date, or launching your business is best performed on or around a new moon.
Make sure to check the transits and what’s going on astrologically prior. Some new moons are better for manifestation than others. Things like retrogrades or eclipses can manifest more chaos than anything. If there’s a new moon that isn’t ideal for manifesting you can still perform a ritual just omit manifestation practices like vision boarding.
Feel free to customize this ritual in a way that works for you. If you want to omit or add any activities don’t hesitate to do so. Harnessing the power of the moon will only work if it resonates with your soul and you feel a connection to what you’re doing.
Hopefully, you’ll use this new moon ritual to realize your goals and intentions and your reasoning behind them. Use the magical powers of the moon to align you with your highest self while also manifesting your wildest dreams.