Practicing good physical hygiene is important. Although hygiene tends to focus mostly on the physical sense, practicing spiritual hygiene is equally important.
Although you can’t physically see how clean or not your spiritual aura might be you can usually feel it. If you feel low on energy, stuck in negative thought patterns, lack confidence, or have trouble sleeping it’s probably time for you to up your spiritual hygiene routine.
Just as you should keep up with your physical hygiene daily, incorporate some of these methods below regularly to help keep you operating on a higher vibrational level.
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1. Baths-
Baths can not only cleanse you physically but spiritually as well. Use a combination of Himalayan or Epsom salts, essential oils, or bath soaks. When you enter the tub, set the intention to rid yourself of any negative or stagnant energies. When the bath is over, imagine all the energy you want to get rid of going down the drain along with the water.
2. Sound-
Cleanse your spiritual energy by using sound. Sound baths attune to different units of frequencies called hertz. The frequency of sounds can affect our human emotions. Lower frequencies might make us feel down and sad while higher frequencies could make us feel happier and more energized.
The range of frequencies that humans can pick up is limited. That’s why dogs can hear things that humans can’t, they have a wider range of frequencies that their ears can pick up.
432HZ is one of the most common sound frequencies people play to uplift their spiritual energy. YouTube has a ton of sound bath meditations to help clear your energy and up your spiritual hygiene.
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3. Meditation-
Regular meditation helps you to become more aware of what is without judgment. When you lose the judgment and attachment to certain outcomes you can operate from a more objective place. Meditation also raises your vibration so that you’re more aligned with higher, more positive energies. Aim to meditate every day or at least several times a week for 10-20 minutes for maximum benefits.
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4. Smudge-
Smoke has been used for centuries to purify the air and remove unwanted energies from a space. Research your lineage and find out what type of herbs they might’ve used for energy cleansing.
White sage is the most popular choice in the spiritual community but has become over-harvested and commodified. If you’re looking to use herbs ensure that you purchase them from communities that have cultural ties to the herb.
Other options include rosemary, cinnamon sticks, mugwort, cedar, mint, lavender, sweetgrass, basil, frankincense, cloves, juniper, and sandalwood. If you’d like to learn more about energy cleansing read our post by clicking here.
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5. Reiki-
If you’re down to shell out a bit of money, getting your chakras professionally cleared can potentially do you good. Although you can’t physically see your chakras these energy centres can become blocked and closed off due to the stresses and hardships of life.
Focusing on your spiritual health means working to release stored energy in your body. A professional healer can find out where these blockages are and help you to release them. Watch out for scammers and look out for reviews before you book with someone.
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6. Eat Clean-
Eating well is a key component of your spiritual hygiene. Make an effort to eat whole, unprocessed foods for the bulk of your diet. Fruits, vegetables, and things that grow from the earth have a much higher vibration than fast or processed food. Unhealthy foods don’t need to be avoided completely but enjoyed in moderation.
Aim to eat in-season produce as much as possible since that’s when they reach their peak level of taste and nutritional value. Eat intentionally, away from screens or TVs. Assess your current relationship with food and whether or not it’s balanced and healthy.
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7. Movement-
Moving your body is essential for your spiritual and overall well-being. If you’ve ever felt negative emotions and then proceeded to exercise, you’ll notice how much better and lighter you feel afterward.
Just as exercise encourages blood flow and lymphatic drainage it also releases stagnant or negative energy from your body. Figure out what your preferred exercise methods are and aim to include them into your routine 4-5x per week or more depending on your fitness goals.
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8. Nature-
Nature connects and grounds us to our most authentic inner beings. Aim to surround yourself with nature as often as possible. This might be easier for some more than others depending on what city and area you live in.
If you live in a condensed city, try to find nearby parks or green spaces. Ground yourself and put your bare feet in the grass when safe and possible. Connect with the earth and imagine any stress or anxieties being pulled away from you and soaked into the earth’s soil to become regenerated.
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9. Boundaries-
A crucial step in practicing good spiritual hygiene is practicing boundaries. Not everyone has good intentions for you whether they’re conscious of it or not. Learn to discern between the people who energize you versus those who drain you. Limit access to those who drain you. This might be tough in certain circumstances but boundaries are a practice and will take time to get better at.
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10. Self-Care-
Prioritizing self-care is a critical factor in practicing spiritual hygiene. Our total wellness comprises of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. When one begins to taper off it’s easy for the other components to follow suit.
By practicing good self-care and ensuring that your total wellness needs are met, your spiritual well-being will automatically increase.
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11. Journal-
If you find yourself experiencing a lot of thoughts, anxieties, or energy that you don’t know what to do with try journaling daily. Use this practice of morning pages to compartmentalize and organize your thoughts. This is most effective in the morning because your ego and subconscious are the quietest they’ll be all day.
12. Clean your Space-
Speaking of hygiene, keep the places that you occupy clean and organized. It’s easier to have good spiritual hygiene when you’re in a clean space. Keeping things clean shows respect to your home, car, and working spaces. When you’re in a clean environment you free up your subconscious mental load and make it easier to think more focused and clearly.
13. Crystals-
Crystals are believed to absorb negative energies into a space and incorporate different positive vibrations. Different stones can be used for different areas of life.
Place crystals around your home, keep them in your purse or hold them during meditation or breathwork. Some of the best crystals for spiritual enhancement are amethyst, moonstone, rose quartz, clear quartz, and moldavite.
Final Thoughts-
Practicing hygiene goes so far beyond your physical body. Spiritual hygiene is equally important for releasing negative and low vibrational energies from your life. Taking spiritual baths, using sound frequencies, meditating regularly and smudging are ways to cleanse your energetic field.
Do a Reiki session, eat clean, move your body frequently, and immerse yourself in nature as much as possible. Keep crystals around you and keep a clean and tidy space in your home, car, office, or any other spot you spend a lot of time in.
Prioritize self-care, journal your thoughts onto paper, and practice having boundaries with people or situations that drain your energy.
Use these 13 ideas for spiritual hygiene to increase your vibration, uplift your mood, and welcome positive energy into your life. Hopefully, these tips can help you increase your spiritual well-being.